All the changes for 2025 – How and what you will pay

All the changes for 2025 – How and what you will pay

According to what has been stated by the relevant ministers, from this year “end titles” fall to the extension that was traditionally given every year with the final date for their payment now being December 31, while at the same time escalating fines come into force for those who “forget” to pay them.

Recently, the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Christos Dimas, told MEGA: “We voted 3 months ago to change the procedure regarding traffic taxes. All car owners through AADE myCar will see the road tax in a short time. There will be no extension for the payment of traffic fees and I say this categorically. Until December 31, 2024, all car owners will have to repay the traffic fees.”

So after December 31stat which point it expires the deadline for payment of traffic feesthe fines are: · +25% of the fees for payment within January

· +100% of fees for payment from March onwards

In any case, the fine for non-payment of traffic fees cannot be lower than thirty (30) euros.

How do I pay road tax?

The road taxes are expected to be posted on the electronic platform of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) “myCAR” without changes in the first days of November.

Vehicle owners first they print the road tax notice and then they can:

· To visit an automatic transaction machine and scan the QR code of the notification, following the instructions on the screen.

· Enter e-banking and pay using the 23-digit RF code indicated on the notice.

The cost The prices applicable to each vehicle are as follows:

Classification 1.1.2021 to date

0-122 cubic meters: 0 euros

123-139 C02 emissions: 0.64 euro / gram.

140-166 C02 emissions: 0.70 euros / gram.

167- 208 C02 emissions: 0.85 euros / gram.

209-224 C02 emissions: 1.87 euros / gram.

225-240 C02 emissions: 2.20 euros / gram.

241-260 C02 emissions: 2.50 euros / gram.

261-280 C02 emissions: 2.70 euros / gram.

281 C02 emissions and above: 2.85 euros / gram.

Classification 1.11.2010 – 31.12.2020

0-90 C02 emissions: 0 euros

91-100 C02 emissions: 0.90 euros / gram.

101-120 C02 emissions: 0.98 euros / gram.

121-140 C02 emissions: 1.20 euros / gram.

141-160 C02 emissions: 1.85 euros / gram.

161-180 C02 emissions: 2.45 euros / gram.

181-200 C02 emissions: 2.78 euros / gram.

201-250 C02 emissions: 3.05 euros / gram.

251 C02 emissions and above: 3.72 euros / gram.

Classification 1.1.2006 – 31.10.2010

0 -300 cubic meters: 22 euros

301-785 cubic meters: 55 euros

786-1,071 cubic meters: 120 euros

1,072-1,357 cubic meters: 135 euros

1,358 -1,548 cubic meters: 255 euros

1,549-1,738 cubic meters: 280 euros

1,739-1,928 cubic meters: 320 euros

1,929-2,357 cubic meters: 690 euros

2,358-3,000 cubic meters: 920 euros

3,001-4,000 cubic meters: 1,150 euros

4,001 cubic meters and above: 1,380 euros

Classification 1.1.2001 – 31.12.2005

0 -300 cubic meters: 22 euros

301-785 cubic meters: 55 euros

786-1,071 cubic meters: 120 euros

1,072-1,357 cubic meters: 135 euros

1,358 -1,548 cubic meters: 240 euros

1,549-1,738 cubic meters: 265 euros

1,739-1,928 cubic meters: 300 euros

1,929-2,357 cubic meters: 630 euros

2,358-3,000 cubic meters: 840 euros

3,001-4,000 cubic meters: 1,050 euros

4,001 cubic meters and above: 1,260 euros

Classification until 31.12.2000

0 -300 cubic meters: 22 euros

301-785 cubic meters: 55 euros

786-1,071 cubic meters: 120 euros

1,072-1,357 cubic meters: 135 euros

1,358 -1,548 cubic meters: 225 euros

1,549-1,738 cubic meters: 250 euros

1,739-1,928 cubic meters: 280 euros

1,929-2,357 cubic meters: 615 euros

2,358-3,000 cubic meters: 820 euros

3,001-4,000 cubic meters: 1,025 euros

4,001 cubic meters and above: 1,230 euros

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// Phaistos Adman

// OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

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// Taboola/Project Agora

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Vidoomy

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OneSignal web push notification example

It looks like you’ve⁤ provided a chunk ‌of JavaScript code that deals with loading ⁤and managing various ⁣advertisement and analytics scripts on a ⁢web page. The code includes various ad ⁤networks and ⁢services like Google AdSense, ⁤OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and⁤ placeholders ⁣for others (like CleverCore, Taboola, ⁤and​ potentially Google Analytics).

Given ⁤the partial nature of this⁢ code, it appears to‍ be in a development or debugging phase,​ likely missing‍ URLs for script ​sources or configurations. Below is a brief ⁣overview⁣ of its main components:

1. **AdSense Management**: ​

‍ ⁤ – It⁢ includes code to remove `.adsbygoogle` elements.

– ‍There’s a section to load AdSense scripts asynchronously if ⁣ads are present.

2. **OneSignal ‌Initialization**:

– It initializes OneSignal with‌ a specified `appId` for push‌ notifications.

3. **Disqus Configuration**:

⁣ – There’s ⁢a‌ configuration function for Disqus, which typically includes the URL and an identifier for the comment section.

4. **Dynamic⁣ Script Loading**:

⁣ – Functions like `asyncLoadScript` are referenced⁣ multiple times to ⁢load external scripts, suggesting a‍ modular approach to loading ads or third-party services.

5. **Conditional Loading**:‌

‍ – It checks‌ for specific components (like `.adsbygoogle`, `glomex-integration`) and sets timeouts⁢ to delay script loading, ⁢which can help manage loading performance.

6. **General Structure**:⁢

​ – The code seems to be designed for mobile responsiveness, indicated by the‌ presence of checks for mobile-specific classes‍ or elements.

###⁢ Suggestions for Completing or Improving the​ Code

1. **Complete Async Script Loading**:⁤

– Make‍ sure to provide ⁣the actual URLs ⁤or scripts in places where ⁤`asyncLoadScript(‘` appears without a URL. ‌This is crucial for⁢ the ⁣ads or analytics​ to function.

2. **Error Handling**:

-‌ Implement error handling in cases where scripts fail to load. ⁢This could provide more robustness and a better user experience.

3. **Performance⁢ Optimization**:

⁣ – Consider ⁣using a library or utility for asynchronously loading scripts to ensure they don’t ‍block the rendering ​of ⁤your⁣ web page.

4. **Commenting and Documentation**:

‍ – Add comments ‍or⁣ documentation on what each section of the code does, especially for future reference or if‌ other developers will work on this code.

5. **Testing on Different Devices**:

‍- Since the code ​mentions mobile-specific classes, ⁣ensure​ thorough testing ⁤on various devices to validate​ performance and ad visibility.

Feel free to ask if you have further queries or need specific implementations!

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