All Brothers Call to Donate Food and Toys to Raramuri Families in Batopilas

He Batopilas municipality, Chihuahuacharacterized by its deep ravines and intense mining activity of a splendid past, is now considered one of the municipalities with inhabitants who live in extreme poverty in the state of Chihuahua, according to figures from the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policyso the All Brothers AssociationThe Tarahumara Aid Association launched an aid campaign targeting the region’s indigenous populations to provide food grains and toys for children.

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He Professor Mario Edmundo Nunez Gonzalezcoordinator of the association, mentioned that there are remote regions where people suffer from hunger, and that during their travels, they have detected elderly people whose lives are at risk because of this cause.

“We invite citizens to support us with new toys, without batteries, for new girls and boys. Beans, corn, rice; that’s all we need. Let’s go to Chihuahua’s poorest municipality, Batopilasand unfortunately elderly people have been found dead in caves with no food around: they died of hunger,” he said.

According State and national indicatorsthe total population of the municipality of Batopilas is 14,362 people, representing .42% of the total state population. However, the population in poverty in Batopilas is 12,908 people and those who live in Extreme poverty in this section of the south of the state of Chihuahuathere are 7,848 people, which represents 3.38% of the total population in extreme poverty in the state, which is estimated at 231,900 people.

Mario Nunez and his family, They have focused on the collection of grains such as corn, beans and rice, which are foods that people in the communities usually consume, and it is the type of food they request when they are asked what they want. required to mitigate the lack of food resources.

On a regular basis, they go to remote places in municipalities such as Bocoyna and Urique; where they delivered 100 tons of beans and corn during the past month of July to the Rarámuri families of inhospitable places of the Copper Canyon and the top of the Sierra Tarahumara, in Bocoyna, Guachochi and Urique, for the benefit of 1,914 families from 73 indigenous communities, who come to the meeting points walking through the mountains, to bring food to their homes.

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However, in the face of the need for help in Batopilas, They have directed their efforts towards this municipality, with the intention of including it in their periodic deliveries, so it is expected to benefit this next September to 2 thousand 22 familiesTo achieve this, they also request the support of flatbed trucks to transport the grains to remote areas of the ravine, in the deep Tarahumara.

“In five and a half years, We have managed to deliver 1,035 tons of grainsand we are going for more, God willing. All Brothers, Association for Aid to the Tarahumaras, is a non-profit association, and has a tax-deductible donor, for companies that would like to support”, he invited.

He collection center to receive grains and toysis located on Campo del Norte Street and Abolition of Slavery, in the Campo Bello neighborhood. For more information, please contact Mario Edmundo Núñez González, at (614) 258-5784 and (915) 232-8915.



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