2023-08-18 15:00:00
Childhood obesity, what are we talking regarding?
Even if obesity affects children more and remains quite rare in newborns, this phenomenon can still happen.
Post-birth: how do you know if a baby may be overweight or obese (chubby, health problems, etc.)?
Beyond a physical aspect (chubby baby), will be followed from birth to one year old by a doctor in charge of monitoring its growth. This health professional will weigh and report the value on the weight curve of the health record and also measure and report the value on the height curve.
The data collected on height and weight thus make it possible to estimate the corpulence of the child. This is measured using an index called the Body Mass Index (BMI). L’IMC being defined by the formula: Weight (kg) / Size (m)². The BMI value is then plotted on reference corpulence curves, which makes it possible to determine the weight status of the child according to his age and sex.
HAS know that at one year, this curve marks a peak : the body mass index is generally between 16 and 20. After 1 year, the curve drops and your baby’s body becomes slimmer. The BMI reaches its minimum on its sixth birthday, then progresses once more until the end of the growth: it is the rebound of adiposity. “If this rebound takes place before the age of 6, your child is overweight, which is a factor of obesity in the future,” says Dr Aymene Kebaili.
Box: What is the ideal weight for a baby at birth?
On average, a baby weighs around 3.5 kilos for 50 cm. In the 24 hours following delivery, he will lose a little weight and this is normal, by expelling meconium (black pasty material accumulated in the intestine of the baby before birth.) Then the baby should gain between 35 and 30 g per day during the first months. Then it will be the weight curve (girl/boy) that should be followed.
Distinguishing an overweight baby from an obese baby
In France, overweight and obesity are defined on the basis of thresholds established on reference populations. Currently, the most widely used references in France are, as mentioned above, on the one hand the French corpulence curves (in the health record since 1995), and on the other hand, those established by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) which provide an international definition of childhood obesity. “Beyond the value of the weight, it is the speed of weight gain that paediatricians monitor for both diagnosis and therapy” specifies Dr. Aymene Kebaili.
The causes of obesity in babies
The main factors of obesity in newborns:
- Genetic abnormalities: “The so-called “common” obesity, that is to say without an identified cause, occurs on a ground with genetic predisposition even if they are also currently not clearly identified. The so-called genetic diseases, caused by monogenic causes , can also explain excess weight at this age” explains the pediatrician, Aymene Kebaili.” explains the pediatrician, Aymene Kebaili.
- Family factors: “The mother’s diet during pregnancy and postpartum, during breastfeeding are other obesity factors from an early age” completes Dr. Aymene Kebaili. A diabetic or obese mother is also more likely to have an overweight or obese baby.
- Infant overfeeding: infant overweight may be due to overfeeding by parents, who multiply bottles throughout the day. However, a baby does not always know how to regulate his satiety, so it is up to the parents to ensure that the baby has a balanced diet.
Complications of baby obesity
Complications are rarely seen in pediatrics, it is rather in adolescence and especially in adulthood that they are seen. They will also be regarding the same as for obesity developed in adulthood. To know :
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular risks with hypertension
- Metabolism disorder (glucose intolerance; problem with lipid balance (cholesterol); advanced puberty in girls with possibility of polycystic syndrome;
- Orthopedic complications (inward knees, muscle pain, etc.)
- Skin problems: in boys (development of the breasts, burying of the penis caused by excess fatty tissue around it), in girls and boys (increased sweating, stretch marks, etc.)
- Rarer, digestive disturbances caused for example by hepatic steatosis (excess fat in the liver which is not due to high alcohol consumption).
Not to mention the social complications that obesity can cause: lower self-esteem, loneliness, rejection at the professional level…
What to do to treat obesity from an early age?
Due to mono-feeding until the age of one year, dietary measures to limit weight gain in babies are quite limited. Dr Aymene Kebaili.
- In the case of baby obesity with a monogenic cause, it will already be necessary to identify the cause and then really adapt to the cause of the problem by rebalancing the dosage of feedings or bottles if necessary.
- If the excess weight is caused by renal delays, for example, it will then be treatments adapted to renal insufficiency that will be put in place.
How do I prevent my baby from getting too big as she grows?
- Promote good eating habits. From early childhood, your child must integrate the reflexes of a balanced diet. Do not force him to eat and avoid excess sugar. Do not hesitate to discuss his eating behaviors with your pediatrician.
- Encourage your toddler in his physical efforts. He begins to take his first steps, walks on all fours, crawls and discovers his environment. This motor activity allows him to burn calories and build muscle. Under your reassuring gaze, let him explore his immediate environment.
- When his walk is a little free, take him for a walk, forget the stroller and encourage him to walk short distances. Walking is a habit that is acquired early. Limit television which, from an early age, can divert a child’s attention from his games and sedentarize him.
If the problem of obesity remains a concern in France, be careful not to misinterpret your child’s weight or physical appearance. The criteria cannot be compared to those associated with adulthood. Indeed, a chubby baby with chubby thighs is above all a sign of good health. And if in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.
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