all about the automatic payment of CAF aid! – Tuxboard

In a few months, CAF will proceed with a system to find out whether or not you can claim aid, without asking for it.

To allow as many people as possible to benefit from aid, CAF will proceed with a new revolutionary system to allow the French to benefit from aid.

CAF helps millions of people every year

Every year, CAF assists millions of people to help them make ends meet. And this year 2023, the organization is at your disposal.

In the face of inflation, CAF offers various aids, and the latter seem more expected than ever this year because of the economic crisis that is hitting France.

Indeed, inflation has been creeping into homes for almost a year now. And therefore, ofMany families are struggling to pay their rent or bills.

Added to this, the oil crisis has damaged households who are therefore struggling to fill up with gas. It is in this perspective that the inflation premium was born.

And on the side of CAF, once more, the aid is more numerous than ever. Moreover, the latter will surely allow as many people as possible to benefit from them. It all starts with a simple observation.

Each year, 10 billion euros earmarked for financing aid and allowances remain unclaimed by the French. A colossal sum that might benefit some people.

Money thrown out the window

According to INSEE, almost one beneficiary out of three does not apply to the CAF. And what regarding other aids such as the activity bonus, not enough requested.

To overcome this phenomenon, the Minister of Solidarity Jean-Christophe Combe, has therefore decided to take action. This denier therefore set up the payment ” to the source “ of all CAF aid.

This means that any French person eligible for an allowance must be directly informed of the amount to which he is entitled. And this, without taking any steps, “heavy and off-putting for many French people”specifies the media mercipourlinfo.

The Gazette des communes also specifies that a first experiment was launched in the spring of 2022 in five departments. These tests concern for the moment the RSA and the activity bonus. And the other aids can therefore be implemented in the coming months.

A revolutionary system on payslips

In a few months, a pre-filled declaration will appear for potential beneficiaries of CAF aid. The pre-filled data will therefore be obtained via the monthly resource device (DRM).

And that’s not all ! In a few months, a brand new mention will therefore its appearance on payslips. It will therefore make it easier to obtain all the aid from CAF.

This useful information is therefore used to define “whether or not a salary is eligible for certain social benefits from the Family Allowance Fund”, specifies the CAF website.

Thus, the RSA, the activity bonus, housing aid or even family allowances will therefore be beneficial to certain employees. As detailed by Jean-Christophe Combe in a press release, this makes it possible to “better inform them regarding the resources taken into account for the calculation of their rights”.

This new mention should also and above all simplify « employee procedures with the CAF. Or the MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole). To assert their rights to certain aids, said the Minister.

Voted at the beginning of 2023, this mention should therefore appear in the next few months on the payslips of the French. Here’s a good idea!

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