Alito Moreno’s Plan B: Navigating Senate Setbacks

Alito Moreno’s Plan B: Navigating Senate Setbacks

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party, including him, are missing for any reason to the sessions next Tuesday and Wednesday at the Senatewhere judicial reform will be debated and voted on.

He assured that The PRI will have the licenses ready of all legislators, which will be made effective in the event that the participation of a substitute is required on the day of the vote.

In a statement it reiterated that the 15 PRI senators will go together in a unified vote against the reform of the Judicial Branch and stressed that this political institute will have the licenses of all legislators ready, to prevent any contingency that puts their presence at risk on the day of the vote.

He argued that the reform promoted by the ruling party aims to take over the judiciary and undermine it, to appoint judges who can make arbitrary decisions and who do not have the necessary training to administer justice. “We will not allow it,” he said.

<img data-recalc-dims="1" decoding="async" width="780" height="581" data-attachment-id="2096757" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1200,894" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"EUM20240905POL13.JPGrCIUDAD DE Mu00c9XICO, Protest/Protesta/PJ.- Llegada al Senado de Alejandro Moreno, presidente nacional del PRI. Jueves 5 de septiembre de 2024. Foto: Agencia EL UNIVERSAL/Berenice Fregoso/RDB.","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="reforma-judicial-alito-moreno-tiene-plan-b-con-suplentes-de-senadores-en-caso-de-ausencias" data-image-description="

The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are absent.

” data-image-caption=”

The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are absent.

” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” tabindex=”0″ role=”button” alt=”The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are missing.” class=”wp-image-2096757 perfmatters-lazy” src=” srcset=” 1024w, 300w, 768w, 200w, 400w, 706w, 1200w, 370w” data-sizes=”(max-width: 780px) 100vw, 780px”/>

The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are absent.

” data-image-caption=”

The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are absent.

” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” tabindex=”0″ role=”button” src=” alt=”The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are missing.” class=”wp-image-2096757″ srcset=” 1024w, 300w, 768w, 200w, 400w, 706w, 1200w, 370w” sizes=”(max-width: 780px) 100vw, 780px”/>

The national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, announced his Plan B in case any of the 15 senators of that party are absent.

Alejandro Moreno reaffirmed his support for the workers of the Judicial Branch, for the students who have defended him “in a brave way”as well as judges and magistrates.

He said that to guarantee the vote of the members of the Parliamentary Group in the Upper House, Together with coordinator Manuel Añorve, “what we did was prepare for everyone to be present in person and we will meet, as we have done on other occasions, with the party’s alternate senators.”

Judicial reform: “Alito” Moreno has a plan B with substitute senators in case of absences

He stressed that the 15 members of the bench They have publicly pledged their word and their commitment to vote against. “It is a full commitment. We established, as the party’s commitment states, to go in a unified vote. All 15 of us are against the reform of the Judicial Branch,” he said.

On the other hand, the former opposition candidate for the presidency of Mexico, Xochitl Galvez, He asked the Mexican government to stop pressuring senators to approve the “counter-reform” to the Judiciary, proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Accompanied by the HashTag #QueNadieSeRajethe candidate for the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition said that the Mexican people did not grant a qualified majority to the ruling party, which she asked to be respected.

We demand that the government stop pressuring the senators and senators to approve their counter-reform to the #JudicialPower. Mexicans did not give the qualified majority to Morena and its allies and they have to respect it. #QueNadieSeRaje”, he wrote through his X account.

Xóchitl’s statement comes after President López Obrador called on senators from the PAN, PRI and Movimiento Ciudadano to support the reform of the Judicial Branch.

“I would like to address the senators, with all due respect, to to act independentlya, with freedom, and that they put personal interest, partisan interest, the interest of the people and the nation before their own,” he said during his morning press conference yesterday.

For now, the opposition bloc has 43 votes to stop the reform in the Senate of the Republic, after political actors such as Claudio X. González asked senators to make public their intention in the vote.

“Heroes” 43 senators

The businessman Claudio X. González calls them “heroes of the Republic” to 43 senators.

This is how he referred to the senators from the PRI, PAN and Movimiento Ciudadano who confirmed their vote against the approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch proposed by President López Obrador.

He also said that “thanks to the commitment of those 43 senators There is hope to save the Republic: democracy, freedoms, separation of powers, justice, guarantees and rights…”

#Alito #Morenos #Plan #case #senators
2024-09-15 20:03:13

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I‌ apologize, but the text you provided appears to be a news article about a political situation in Mexico, and⁤ it is not related to the ‍HTML


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Element: A Comprehensive ‍Guide


element is one of the ​most commonly used elements in HTML, and it plays a crucial role in structuring and organizing content on a web page. In this article, we’ll delve⁢ into ⁢the ⁣world ‍of‌

‍ elements, exploring their purpose, syntax, uses, and best practices.

What is a



element ⁢is ⁣a generic⁤ container element in HTML that is used to group together other​ elements and‍ apply styles, layout, or other attributes to them. ⁤It is ​a⁤ block-level element, which means‌ it takes ‌up the full width of its parent element and starts on ‌a new line.


The basic ⁤syntax of a

element is ​as follows:

Content here

You can add attributes⁢ to‌ the

element to provide more context and meaning to the element. For example:

Content here

In this example, we’ve added a class attribute with a value ⁣of “container” and an id attribute with a value⁣ of “main-content”.

Uses of


elements have a wide⁣ range of uses⁢ in HTML, including:

Grouping elements:

elements ‌can be used to group together other elements, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and lists, to apply styles or layout properties to them.

Creating layouts:

elements can be used to create complex layouts, such as grids, columns, and rows, using CSS.

Semantic meaning: While

elements do not provide any semantic meaning on their own, they can be used to⁤ wrap ⁢around elements that do, such as header, nav, main, and footer, to provide a more structured document outline.


elements can be used to apply styles to a group of elements, such as background colors, borders, and padding.

Best practices

When using

elements, it’s essential to follow best ⁤practices to ensure⁣ that your HTML is semantic, accessible, and​ maintainable. Here are some tips:

Use meaningful​ class names: Instead of using‌ generic class names like “container” or ‍”box”, use more descriptive names that indicate the ‍purpose of the


Avoid overusing

elements: Only use

elements​ when necessary, and consider using more semantic ​elements like header, nav, main, and footer when ⁢possible.

* Keep your HTML structured: Use

elements to create a clear and organized document outline, with a logical⁣ hierarchy of elements.



element is a powerful and​ versatile element in HTML that can be used​ to group elements, ⁣create layouts, and apply styles. By following best practices and using meaningful class names, ​you can ensure that your HTML is semantic, accessible, and maintainable. Whether you’re ‌building a⁤ simple web page or a complex web application, the

element is an essential tool to have in ⁤your HTML ⁢toolkit.



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