Alito Moreno mocked by Morena deputies

Mexico.- After three times deputies from Morena did not attend and prevented legislative work, Alejandro Moreno Cardenaspresident of the Governance Commission, achieved the quorum of the Board of Directors to define the agenda for the next meeting of the Plenary.

The morenista deputy Vicente Alberto Onofre Vazquez, of District 33 of the State of Mexico, was connected remotely and with it the 8 members of 15 of the Board of Directors were achieved, with which there was the majority to be able to work.

The president of AT was able to approve the minutes of the previous session and the proposed agenda with the list of opinions that will be submitted for approval, with which it will be able to convene the full plenary session of the commission in the coming days.

“And you saw that there was a quorum, didn’t you just thunder a little pistol?” said the PRI leader mockingly for breaking the boycott of the deputies of Morenawith one of his own bench.

“Yes, it was possible, President,” a deputy told him from a distance.

Moreno Cárdenas recalled that yesterday the deputies of Morena, in a statement, announced that they would not appear today at the Governance and Population Commission either.

“They said that they were not going to come and then they are in a clear fault of not fulfilling their responsibility and there are legislators, who are going to say it, that they did not comply with assistance and the regulations, and this Commission is going to proceed,” Moreno warned when concluding the session of the Board of Directors, which lasted only 10 minutes.

“As always, those from Morena and allies are more concerned about the electoral issue than governing, this is a huge responsibility.”

The PRI recognized the participation of the deputies of the other fractions, of his party and that of Morena who did participate in the session of the Board of Directors

“What we are doing is working for Mexico,” he assured.

“There was one from Morena who connected, how do you see? Deputy Onofre, as I say, didn’t they not thunder a pistol? Didn’t they announce yesterday that they weren’t coming?”

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Moreno said that there were talks with the legislators so that they would go to the commission.

“What there has to be is responsibility for the Country, a commission and Congress cannot be subject to anyone’s whim,” he said.

He considered that once again it was evident that deputies from Morena and allies of the PVEM and PT do not want to work for Mexico.

“We will continue to lead to build dialogue, consensus, agreement,” he remarked.

He informed that from “now” the regulation will be applied to the absentees, such as the dismissal of the commission.

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In addition to Onofre, the other deputy secretaries of the Commission who attended the Board of Directors of the Commission were: Jorge Arturo Espadas Galván, Humberto Aguilar Coronado, and Jesús Fernando Morales, from PAN; Teresa Ochoa, from MC; and Francisco Javier Huacus Esquivel, from the PRD.

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