Foods to avoid for a healthy diet

New EPS advises against frying, reusing oils, and adding sauces.

To maintain a healthy diet, it is essential to consume grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins. Photo: private file

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is crucial for preventing overweight and obesity, not only in adults but also in adolescents and children.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), childhood obesity poses one of the most significant public health challenges of the 21st century.

For this reason, Nueva EPS sought advice from specialist Claudia González, coordinator of the Nutrition Area at Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi, who offers a series of recommendations for healthy eating:

What foods should be included in a healthy diet?

First and foremost, it is vital to consume foods from all food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins) in appropriate quantities based on one’s daily activities.

Additionally, staying well-hydrated is important; while water does not provide energy or nutrients, it is essential for the body’s proper functioning. It is recommended to drink approximately four to six glasses of water daily, supplemented by the liquids found in other foods.

If you need to prepare lunch boxes for work, school, or university, it’s essential to include ample fruit and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, or kumis. Also, add proteins and cereals, preferably whole grains like whole grain breads or crackers, to ensure a well-balanced and varied lunch box containing the necessary nutrients.

What foods should be avoided in a healthy diet?

Avoid baked goods like puff pastries, which are high in fat. Furthermore, processed and ultra-processed foods with added sugars should also be minimized.

It’s important to consider food preparation methods as well; therefore, frying, reusing oils, and adding sauces should be avoided. Instead, use natural marinades like lemon, vinegars, and spices to enhance the flavor of your meals.

Essential Dietary Guidelines: New EPS Recommends Avoiding Frying, Reusing Oils, and Adding Sauces

To have a healthy diet you should consume grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins. Photo: private file
To have a healthy diet you should consume grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins. Photo: private file

The Importance of a Balanced Diet

Taking care of your diet is essential for maintaining health, preventing overweight, and managing obesity in both adults and children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), childhood obesity is considered one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.

To assist individuals in making healthier dietary choices, Nueva EPS consulted with Claudia González, the Nutrition Coordinator at Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi. She provides valuable insights into what constitutes a healthy diet.

Food Groups That Should Be Included

To maintain a healthy diet, it’s crucial to consume foods from various groups, including:

  • Grains: Aim for whole grains for their fiber content.
  • Vegetables: Include a diverse range of colors and types.
  • Fruits: Opt for fresh, seasonal fruits.
  • Dairy Products: Choose low-fat or fat-free options like yogurt, cheese, or kumis.
  • Proteins: Incorporate lean meats, fish, beans, and legumes.

Hydration is equally important for overall health. Water does not provide energy or nutrients but is vital for bodily functions. It is advised to drink approximately four to six glasses of water daily, supplemented by fluids obtained from foods.

What Foods to Avoid for Better Health

To optimize health and maintain a balanced diet, it is important to avoid certain types of foods:

  • Baked Goods: Foods like puff pastries are typically high in unhealthy fats.
  • Processed and Ultra-Processed Products: These often contain added sugars and unhealthy fats.

Preparation methods also play a crucial role in food healthiness. The latest recommendations suggest avoiding:

  • Frying: This method can significantly raise the calorie content of foods.
  • Reusing Oils: This practice can create harmful compounds.
  • Excess Sauces: Many sauces are rife with sugars and preservatives.

Instead of frying or using heavy sauces, consider incorporating natural marinades such as:

  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegars
  • Herbs and spices

Understanding Nutritional Balance

It is essential to understand the nutritional value of the foods consumed. Below is a simple table highlighting the nutritional benefits of each food group:

Food Group Benefits
Grains High in fiber, promotes digestive health.
Vegetables Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Fruits Provides natural sugars, fiber, and essential nutrients.
Dairy Source of calcium, supports bone health.
Proteins Essential for muscle repair and growth.

Benefits of Healthy Eating Practices

Adopting these dietary practices not only aids in weight management but also enhances overall health. Here are some benefits:

  • Improved Weight Management: A balanced diet helps to regulate body weight.
  • Enhanced Mood: Nutrient-rich foods contribute to better mood stability.
  • Increased Energy Levels: Proper nutrition supports sustained energy throughout the day.
  • Better Immune Function: A varied diet strengthens the body’s defenses against illnesses.

Practical Tips for Implementing a Healthy Diet

Here are some practical tips to help you adopt a healthier diet:

  • Plan Your Meals: Create a weekly meal plan to avoid impulsive eating.
  • Shop Smart: Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store where fresh foods are typically located.
  • Snack Wisely: Choose fruits, nuts, or yogurt instead of processed snacks.
  • Cook at Home: Prepare meals at home to control ingredients and portion sizes.
  • Stay Informed: Educate yourself about food labels and healthy eating habits.

Case Studies: Success Stories of Healthy Eating

Numerous individuals have transformed their lives by adhering to recommended dietary guidelines. One such case involved a young mother who switched to cooking with natural marinades instead of heavy sauces and saw a marked improvement in her family’s health. By eliminating fried foods and implementing a variety of fresh ingredients, her family’s energy levels and overall well-being improved considerably.

Such transformations illustrate the profound impact of choosing healthier food preparation methods and ingredients.

Real-Life Experience: A Testimonial

“I used to rely heavily on sauces and fried foods in my cooking. After learning about the importance of healthy eating from Nueva EPS and Claudia González, I decided to change my family’s diet. We replaced frying with baking and used herbs and spices for flavor. The difference was astounding—my children became more active, and we all felt better overall!” – Maria L., a satisfied mother.

Final Thoughts

Implementing the new EPS recommendations can lead to significant health improvements. By avoiding frying, reusing oils, and adding excessive sauces, you can create a more wholesome and nutritious diet that benefits not only you but your entire family. Remember to stay mindful of food choices, and make gradual changes for lasting results.



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