Alibaba is keeping pace with the development of artificial intelligence by developing a tool similar to GPT Chat

Alibaba Group said today that it is developing a tool similar to ChatGBT and is currently in the internal testing phase, joining a race by technology companies around the world to demonstrate their ability to keep pace with the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, according to “”.
The Chinese e-commerce group’s statement came after the 21st Century Herald business newspaper reported that Alibaba was developing a tool capable of GPT-like chats and was now available for testing by the group’s employees.
Alibaba declined to comment when asked about the newspaper report, which also said that Alibaba might integrate the technology with the group’s communication app DingTalk.
The company said it had focused for years on large language models and generative AI. Large language models are natural language processing systems trained on large amounts of text and are able to answer questions, comprehend questions, and generate new text.

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