Alias ​​Mauricio fell, alleged right-hand man of Chiquito Malo in the Clan del Golfo

“Mauricio” was on the most wanted cartel in Antioquia and was captured in the Quebrada del Medio village of San Pedro de Urabá.

In a rural area of ​​the municipality of San Pedro de Urabá the dreaded “Mauricio” fell, one of the most powerful men of the Clan del Golfo in Antioquia. According to Police investigations, the man joined the criminal organization ten years ago and, since then, has gained the trust of his superiors, which allowed him to rise through the chain of command until he received direct orders from “Chiquito Malo”. “, number one.

“Mauricio” was captured in the village of Quebrada del Medio, in the aforementioned municipality. This subject was in the cartel of the most wanted in Antioquia, where he shared a place, for example, with “Cabuyo”, the leader of the Farc dissidents who commit crimes at will in the North of Antioquia.

The capture of “Mauricio” was in charge of the Antinarcotics Police. According to the official versions, the offender had had to take refuge in that remote and “rustic” area due to the siege by the authorities. However, from afar he continued to order criminal actions.

To reach him, the officers had to cross trails and measure themselves once morest “thick vegetation.” They did it in the early hours of this Sunday, March 20, using night vision goggles. From afar they watched the wooden house in which “Mauricio” was hiding, alert to any attempt to escape.

Once the sun rose, around 6:00 in the morning, the officers launched themselves on the wooden house. And there they managed to capture the man, who did not put up any more resistance. “This is an important result in Antioquia. This feared subject was recognized for criminal activities once morest the civilian population and the public force. He managed and articulated the criminal proceeds from drug trafficking in Urabá, ”said Colonel Julio Triana.

The police report details that the real name of “Mauricio” is Yoimer Alexander Vargas Henao. Although he had been on file for years, in 2020 he had lost track. Everything indicates that his area of ​​influence was Zaragoza, in Bajo Cauca, where he intimidated, pressured and extorted merchants. The police report indicates that, by order of “Chiquito Malo” himself, “Mauricio” had to travel to Segovia later.

His arrival in Urabá, it seems, was thanks to the changes in the leadership of the criminal organization and the persecution of the authorities.. However, and despite his flight, “Mauricio” would never have stopped perpetrating his criminal actions.

With the capture of Otoniel in October of last year, the Clan del Golfo suffered a serious blow to its structure. Apparently, to replace the fallen absolute leader, he would have assumed “Chiquito Malo”, whose first name is Jobanis de Jesús Ávila Villadiego.

“Chiquito” had already had friction within the organization with “Marihuano”, Otoniel’s right-hand man who was shot down on a farm in Acandí, Chocó. With the death of “Marihuano” and the capture of “Otoniel”, “Chiquito” has gained more strength within the criminal organization. So much so that the recently captured “Mauricio” had to report directly to him.



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