Ali Bongo Ondimba Bows Out of Politics: Embraces Accountability While Shifting Blame

“For my part, I respect and understand the will of citizens to want new political leaders to build the future and I would like to reaffirm my withdrawal from political life and the definitive renunciation of any national ambition. This also applies to Sylvia and Nourredin”, thus expressed himself, in a letter to his compatriots, the former president “deposed”, on August 30, 2023, following a state election, by the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), led by General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, then Commander-in-Chief of the Republican Guard.

In this letter to the Gabonese people, the former deposed president writes that “My idea of ​​duty is to say with sincerity and honour that I would never wish to constitute for Gabon, a risk of threat, disorder and destabilisation in this moment of reconstruction. Because our country is, has always been, is and will always be a country of honour. I call for appeasement, for an end to the violence and torture committed against my family, more particularly my wife Sylvia and my son Nourredin and for their release, because for too long now they have been imprisoned for acts of which they have not been found guilty, scapegoats for a situation that goes far beyond their person”regrets Ali So You Are Filled.

Speaking about his governance, 14 years at the head of Gabon, the deposed president says he is fully aware of what was accomplished under his leadership. “as well as shortcomings for which I alone assume responsibility, both on the social level and in terms of the functioning of our institutions”he said.

“I call on my country, its leaders and my fellow citizens to renounce vengeance and to write its next history with harmony and humanity.”pleaded Ali Bongo Ondimba, who insists on one point, namely that “As the sole president and responsible for my decisions, I understand that despite the achievements made under my mandate, too many Gabonese people are still suffering and this remains my greatest regret. I sincerely hope that we are able to turn the page on this intimate and national suffering. With one single goal: our national reconciliation.”he urged.

However, the former Head of State believed it necessary to shed new light on the conditions of his daily existence, confined for nearly 13 months in his residence in La Sablière, a residential area located in the northern suburbs of Libreville. “I myself remain restricted in my movements and subject to daily surveillance. My visits depend on the authorization of the military. Isolated from the outside world without communication, without news of my family.”informed Ali Bongo Ondimba.

The Minister of Communication and Media, Laurence Ndong, had refuted these allegations, previously made by the Bongo family’s counsel, arguing that all the rights due to the former presidential couple and their son Nourredin were respected. “They are regularly visited by their close relatives and their lawyers as well as by French diplomatic and consular officials.”the spokesperson of the transitional government had then asserted.

Alph’-Whilem Eslie

2024-09-19 00:26:53
#Ali #Bongo #Ondimba #withdraws #political #life #assumes #responsibility #accuses

What led Ali​ Bongo Ondimba⁣ to renounce​ his political ambitions?

Former​ Gabonese ‍President Ali Bongo ⁣Ondimba Writes Emotional Letter to Citizens, Renounces Political Ambition and Calls‌ for‍ National Reconciliation

In a poignant⁣ letter addressed to‌ the Gabonese⁢ people, ​former ‌President Ali Bongo Ondimba has ‍reiterated his withdrawal from political life and ‍renounced any national ambition. This comes after his removal from power by the Committee ‌for the Transition ⁣and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) led by General Brice Clotaire Oligui⁢ Nguéma, following a state election ‍on ⁣August‌ 30, 2023.

A ⁢Message of Sincerity ​and Honour

In his heartfelt⁤ letter, President Ondimba expresses‍ his understanding​ of‍ the citizens’ desire for⁢ new political leadership to build the future. He reaffirms his commitment to step aside,⁣ stating, “My idea of ​​duty is to say with ‍sincerity and honour ‌that I would never​ wish to constitute for ‌Gabon, a risk of threat, disorder, and destabilisation in this moment of reconstruction.”

A Plea for Appeasement and End to Violence

The former President also calls for an end to violence and torture against his family, ⁣particularly his wife Sylvia ‍and⁢ son Nourredin, who have been imprisoned‌ for an extended period. He urges for their ‍release, citing that they have not been found guilty of​ any ‍wrongdoing and ‌are⁣ being ​scapegoated for a situation that goes beyond their person.

Reflections on Governance ⁣and Shortcomings

President Ondimba reflects ​on his 14-year tenure at the helm of⁤ Gabon, acknowledging both the accomplishments ⁣and shortcomings of his governance. He takes sole responsibility for the latter, stating, “I alone assume responsibility, both on the social level and in terms ‍of the ​functioning of our institutions.”

A Call to National⁣ Reconciliation

The former ⁢Head of⁢ State’s ‍letter concludes with a heartfelt plea for national reconciliation. He urges the Gabonese ⁢people, their​ leaders, and his fellow citizens to renounce vengeance and write the country’s next⁤ history​ with harmony and humanity.⁣ His singular goal is to turn the page on the national⁢ suffering and achieve reconciliation.

Conditions of ‌Confinement Revealed

President Ondimba also sheds light on his daily existence, confined to his residence in La Sablière for nearly 13 months. He reveals that he is restricted in his ⁣movements, subject to daily surveillance, and dependent on​ the military for authorization ⁢to receive⁤ visitors. He is also isolated from the outside world, lacking communication and news of his ‌family.

Government ⁢Response Disputes Claims

The ‌Minister of Communication and Media, Laurence Ndong, has disputed these allegations, ​stating‍ that ⁣the ⁤former presidential‍ couple and their son Nourredin are regularly visited ⁢by their⁢ close relatives, ⁤lawyers, and French diplomatic‌ and consular ‌officials.

A Message of Hope and Unity

President Ondimba’s ​letter ​serves as a message of hope and ​unity, ⁣calling on the Gabonese people ‌to put ⁤aside their differences and work towards a brighter future. His words echo a sense of ​responsibility, accountability, and a desire for national ⁤reconciliation, providing a beacon of hope in these uncertain times.

Optimized ⁤Keywords:

​Ali Bongo⁤ Ondimba


Gabonese people

⁣National ‍reconciliation

Political ambition

Withdrawal from politics

Committee for the Transition and Restoration ⁤of Institutions ‍(CTRI)

General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma

Sylvia Bongo Ondimba

Nourredin Bongo Ondimba

Laurence Ndong

Gabonese government

– What led to Ali Bongo Ondimba’s withdrawal from political life in Gabon?

The Fall of a Leader: Ali Bongo Ondimba’s Withdrawal from Political Life

In a shocking turn of events, Ali Bongo Ondimba, the former President of Gabon, has announced his withdrawal from political life, renouncing any national ambition and reaffirming his commitment to staying out of politics. This decision comes after a tumultuous period in Gabonese history, marked by a state election and the subsequent takeover by the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), led by General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma.

In a heartfelt letter to the Gabonese people, Bongo Ondimba expressed his respect for the will of the citizens, who sought new leadership to build a better future for their country. The former President categorically stated that he would not constitute a risk to Gabon’s stability and reconstruction, emphasizing the importance of peace and harmony in this critical period.

A Call for Appeasement and Release

Bongo Ondimba used this opportunity to plead for the release of his wife, Sylvia, and son, Nourredin, who have been imprisoned for months without being found guilty of any crimes. He described their situation as “scapegoats for a situation that goes far beyond their person.” The former President’s emotional appeal for their release and an end to violence and torture against his family resonated deeply with the Gabonese people.

Reflections on Governance

In his letter, Bongo Ondimba reflected on his 14-year tenure as President of Gabon, acknowledging the accomplishments made under his leadership, as well as the shortcomings for which he took full responsibility. He urged his countrymen to learn from the past and work towards a brighter future, built on the principles of harmony and humanity.

A Plea for National Reconciliation

The former President’s words were laced with a deep sense of regret and a desire for national reconciliation. He expressed his hope that Gabon could “turn the page on this intimate and national suffering” and move forward, united and strong. Bongo Ondimba’s call for forgiveness and unity is a crucial step towards healing the wounds of the past and forging a new path for the future.

Life Under House Arrest

Bongo Ondimba also shed light on his daily existence, confined to his residence in La Sablière for nearly 13 months. He described a life of isolation, restricted movements, and constant surveillance, with limited communication with the outside world. These allegations were disputed by the Minister of Communication and Media, Laurence Ndong, who claimed that the former President and his family were regularly visited by relatives, lawyers, and French diplomatic officials.

A New Chapter for Gabon?

As Gabon embarks on a new chapter in its history, the withdrawal of Ali Bongo Ondimba from political life marks a significant milestone. His plea for national reconciliation, forgiveness, and unity is a powerful message that resonates with the Gabonese people. As the country navigates the challenges of rebuilding and reconstruction, it is essential to learn from the past and forge a new path, built on the principles of harmony, humanity, and unity.

Optimized Keywords: Ali Bongo Ondimba, Gabon, Political Life, Withdrawal, National Ambition, Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, Gabonese People, National Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Unity.



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