Algeria Ministry of Education Announces 2024 Spring Break and School Vacation Schedule: Official Holiday Dates Revealed

Algeria Ministry of Education Announces 2024 Spring Break and School Vacation Schedule: Official Holiday Dates Revealed

2024-03-20 04:03:53

Coinciding with the approaching spring holidays in the Arab countries, we find that the Ministry of Education in Algeria has announced the date of the spring break for the current academic year 2024, in addition to the schedule for the school holidays that teachers and students enjoy in schools, because the Ministry is constantly keen to provide many holidays for the purpose of students getting Rest for a period of time and then return to study once more. This will be an opportunity to prepare the students and give them more skills. We will clarify the details of the date of spring break in the country and other official holidays.

Algeria Ministry of Education Announces 2024 Spring Break and School Vacation Schedule: Official Holiday Dates Revealed Spring break and school vacation schedule

Spring break and school vacation schedule

Spring break and school vacation scheduleSpring break and school vacation scheduleSpring break and school vacation schedule

The Ministry of Education in Algeria announced the official date for spring break within the school holiday schedule. This leave is granted to both workers and employees in schools and the education sector in general. This applies to all sectors (private and public), provided that the holiday begins on March 21 and continues until the following day. Next April 7, 2024.

Official holiday dates in Algeria 2024 – 1445

It is worth noting that official holidays differ greatly in the education sector within Algeria from other countries, as we find that all workers in educational bodies and institutions get only 4 vacations, and thus they get a vacation in every semester throughout the year, and regarding those vacations as follows: :

  • First holiday (autumn holiday): This holiday begins on October 21 and continues until November 7 of each year, and is only two weeks long.
  • Second holiday (winter holiday): This holiday begins on December 21 and continues until January 6 of each year, meaning it lasts approximately two weeks.
  • Third holiday (spring break): Students and all workers in the education sector get spring break, which begins on March 21 and continues until April 7 on a consistent basis every year, and also lasts two weeks.
  • The last vacation (summer vacation): This vacation is known as (the big vacation), which begins from July 4 until the start of the school year every year.

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