Algae carpet in the northern Adriatic is spreading

The high temperatures of the sea water promote the proliferation of algae slime, which spoils the holidays of many tourists on the northern Adriatic coast, and encourage the immigration of foreign fish species that are typical of tropical climates.

Rapidly increased

According to researchers, the record set in July 2023 in the northern Adriatic was broken with a daily average of 28.9 degrees. This promotes the growth of algal slime, they said. The phytoplankton bloom is due to the high temperatures and heavy rainfall in recent times, which, by supplying fresh water, has reduced the salinity of the sea near the coast and thus created an ideal environment for the rapid proliferation of the slime.

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The algae slime is harmless, but annoying for bathers. In Rimini, many holidaymakers are increasingly visiting swimming pools because they want to avoid swimming in the sea, explained the concerned operators of the bathing establishments.

Water temperatures of up to 30 degrees – this was not the case in the “Mediterraneo” before. It is not yet possible to predict what consequences climate change will have in the long term. Biologists and chemists want to test the water in the Adriatic in the coming weeks. This will give them a more precise picture of what is happening in the water due to climate change.

The fishermen’s association Confcooperative Fedagripesca is now calling for the establishment of a commission of experts to monitor the development of the algae plague and for support measures to be taken for the fishermen. Smaller boats in particular cannot even go out fishing because of the slime. This hinders the propellers and makes cleaning the mechanical elements very difficult. Damage to the nets is also being complained about.



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