Alfredo Cornejo starts his week in London betting on mining – Diario NDI

Alfredo Cornejo starts his week in London betting on mining – Diario NDI

Governor Alfredo Cornejo traveled to London with the Minister of Energy and Environment, Jimena Latorre. The president and the official will participate in the London Metal Exchange Week, which will be held at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre.

The week that passed Cornejo received managers and the technical team of Kobrea Exploration Corp. to talk about the acquisition of properties in Malargüe Western Mining District (MDMO), with an investment that promises to reach 20 million dollars in the first two work seasons, once environmental permits are obtained and in accordance with the progress of the projects.

Mission to London

The main objective of this mission is to attract investments to promote mining development in the Province. They are expected to return next weekend.

The event in question is organized by the London Metal Exchange and brings together the main players in the industry.

The activities will begin on Monday with presentations by experts and will end on October 4.

This is Cornejo’s second trip abroad to promote mining activity because in March he traveled to the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) fair in Toronto, and in April he was at the VII Chilean-Argentine Mining Meeting.

Report request

In the middle of this trip, the representative of the Frente Renovador, Gabriela Lizana, presented a request for a report to know more details of the trip.

“Request the Provincial Executive Branch and the Ministry of Energy and Environment to inform this Honorable Chamber about the reasons for the trip of Governor Alfredo Cornejo and Minister Jimena Latorre to London, United Kingdom, to participate in the London Metal Exchange Week 2024” , says the initiative.

The legislator seeks to know what concrete actions the Government will take to position Mendoza, among other things. Additionally, seek to know the total costs of the trip.



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