Alexandre Mabiala is the new president of the Association of the departments of Congo.

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Alexandre Mabiala is the new president of the Association of the departments of Congo.

He succeeds the late Richard Eyeni, president of the Departmental Council of Cuvette-Ouest, who died last year. The president of the Kouilou municipal and departmental council was elected by his peers on January 28 in Brazzaville during an extraordinary general meeting. The Association of Departments of Congo (ADC) is a professional organization bringing together the twelve departmental councils of the country. Since the unexpected death of its president, Richard Eyeni, it has been managed by an interim. The general assembly held on Friday allowed participants to regroup the national executive office of their organization, which has five members. It is now headed by the President of the Kouilou Departmental Council, Alexandre Mabiala, assisted by Jean Fabien Bakoté, President of the Likouala Departmental Council elected to the post of 1is vice-president, in charge of the organization of the association. The post of 2e vice-president, spokesperson for the organization, was entrusted to Emmanuel Akoulakoum, president of the Departmental Council of the Sangha, and that of secretary general to Jean-Marie Bopoumbou, president of the Departmental Council of the Cuvette. Sylvie Kaki Okabondo, president of the Lékoumou Departmental Council, was elected treasurer. Speaking following his election, the new president of the ADC inscribes his mandate under the sign of governance, local development and decentralized cooperation within the Departmental Councils. To this end, he invited his counterparts who are presidents of the Councils to reduce the disparities and imbalances observed between the local authorities in their daily operation and management. ” We must ensure the equitable sharing of resources to guarantee the development of municipalities and departments; encourage concerted work between deconcentrated and decentralized services in order to put an end to duplication and uncertainty observed in the field during the implementation of certain local projects thought Alexandre Mabiala. To develop the departments, he called on his peers to make their respective localities work sites that mobilize youth, women and all social strata in the work of local reconstruction. “At the same time, we are required to develop models of socio-economic projects to be developed with our partners, through the efficient use of local content. We must also mobilize own resources for each local authority in order to ensure the functioning and development of local authorities. “, he added. However, Alexandre Mabiala expressed the wish that the government release the necessary funds this year so that the Departmental Councils, most of which have been suspended for several years, accumulating for some more than fifty months of salary arrears, can be really functional. .

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