Alessandra Sublet defends her choice to end her hosting career (VIDEO)

At the beginning of April, Alessandra Sublet created the surprise by announcing the end of her career as an animator. This Wednesday, April 27 in It’s up to youshe defended her choice to stop television.

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Back to basics for Alessandra Sublet. This Wednesday, April 27, the host of TF1 was invited to the table of It’s up to youa show she launched and presented for four years, before bidding farewell in 2013. The investigator of Mask Singer came to present a project that is close to his heart: her first big role as an actress in the TV movie Handi Gang, scheduled for May 2 on TF1. But, faced with her former accomplice Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, she also spoke without language of wood regarding her recent decision which caused a stir. On April 7, in an interview with The ParisianAlessandra Sublet took everyone by surprise by announcing that she had letter end to her career as a TV host at the end of the season to pursue her dream of becoming an actress.

I was also told : ‘It’s not going well your head!'”

Following this choice to leave behind a successful career to embark on new and inevitably uncertain adventures, Alessandra Sublet assumes that we can still “call yourself crazy”. “That’s a good sign in general”she claims. This term madness is, moreover, “the common denominator” who accompanied all his professional decisions and so far it has “not too bad” market. In the past, she has thus been referred to as “full” when she left M6 to start It’s up to youthen when she gave up her place on the France 5 talk show and finally when she decided to stop watching TV for a year to take care of her children. And then I was also told: ‘It’s not going well with your head!'”, she continues. But if her decision seems to have shocked more than one, the host does not care and says: “Everything is fine !”

A well-considered decision

Alessandra Sublet is sure of the merits of her choice because she “follow his wishes”. And she doesn’t care regarding other people’s eyes. “Anyway, it is not the path of others, it is yours. On arrival, it is you who flourish“, she justifies. The rookie actress then reveals how she knew it was the right time: “I’ve been doing this job for twenty years with so much pleasure that I don’t want to stop because I’m tired of it. Above all, it’s a job that we do out of passion and I don’t want to keep it just for comfort. (…) We distill good humor. There is no case where I arrive one day sulking. And so I don’t want that day to come.She therefore prefers to move on before losing her love of the profession.



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