Alekno made a triumphant return: he took the Channel One Cup, turning the game around with substitutions

Maxim Sapozhkov stunned his Dynamo teammates.

The inaugural Channel One Cup took place in Moscow, where Vladimir Alekno‘s team achieved a hard-fought victory over Konstantin Bryansky‘s team with a score of 3:1. Let us remember that earlier, they formed the rosters at the draft. The coaches selected 14 players, but during the match, only 10 volleyball players were utilized — both Alekno and Bryansky were keen on winning, and the format of the match did not allow for showtime and mass substitutions.

Vladimir Alekno / photo (here and further): Roman Kruchinin, Maxim Papakin,

Ernst stated that volleyball on Channel One will become a tradition

Two hours of volleyball on Channel One is a significant event. Previously, the channel highlighted this sport approximately once every four years. It appears that volleyball will now be featured more frequently. “We initiated the Channel One Cup, and we will continue it,” remarked the channel’s general director Konstantin Ernst, who watched the match alongside the Russian President’s aide and the curator of Russian volleyball Nikolay Patrushev.

Alexander Yaremenko, Secretary General of the All-Russian Volleyball Federation, expressed that the new tournament presents an incredible opportunity to popularize the sport. He hopes that following the Channel One Cup, the number of volleyball fans will genuinely grow. However, there are concerns about whether the two-sided game featuring the Russian national team could keep a casual viewer engaged, regardless of the game’s quality. Many fans prefer rooting for their teams against others, be they clubs, regions, or national squads. In this case, everyone was on opposing sides, and even teammates faced each other across the net. During the broadcast, the score credits displayed only “reds” versus “blues,” with no team names mentioned.

Konstantin Ernst

It seems the Channel One Cup was more appealing to those long familiar with the volleyball community. Volleyball players faced off against friends in a new format, while fans well-acquainted with the players caught on to some of the underlying drama. Coaches, having participated in the draft, had the opportunity to assemble their dream teams.

It should be noted that the federation contributed a degree of elitism to the event by setting exorbitant ticket prices (ranging from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles). Consequently, the 3,000-seat Druzhba venue was not sold out, resulting in empty seats despite numerous invitations. “The ticket sales did not cover the costs,” admitted the Director of Development of the VFV, Irina Zolotova, in an interview with the channel “Skyn Tytych”. It is worth mentioning that the premium seats right next to the court, priced at 100,000 rubles, were ultimately occupied by honor guests, including former gymnastics stars Svetlana Khorkina and Alexey Nemo, along with recently retired volleyball player Eugenia Startseva and the new director of Dynamo-LO, Anton Kulikovsky.

They were able to fully enjoy the wonderful atmosphere that filled the court. The volleyball players clearly relished the experience and played with smiles, although the serious coaches reminded them during breaks that this was not simply an All-Star Game and they needed to elevate their performance. Nevertheless, the players did not conceal their joy, particularly those returning to the court after injuries. Egor Gossip played for the first time since May 2023, Victor Poletaev made his return after November 2023, and Dmitry Lysic returned after April 2024.

Sapozhkov was selected 17th overall and became the MVP

Novel Poroshin and Poletaev were Alekno’s second and third picks in the draft. It was expected for them to be in the starting lineup; however, their on-court chemistry was lacking. Poletaev appeared restrained, winning two balls while losing three. After the first set, both players were sent to the bench.

Bryansky opted for a straightforward approach and included five players from his Dynamo team in the starting lineup, along with Maxim Mihailov and Ilyas Kurkaev. His team started strong in the first set with successful blocks from Dmitry Volkov and effective counterattacks that secured break points. Additionally, the “reds” performed excellently on serve, with two aces from Pavel Pankov (16:14, 25:20) and Mikhailov getting one over on his teammate Ilya Fedorov (21:17).

Konstantin Bryansky

Bryansky chose seven of Dynamo’s eight players for his team during the draft, with the exception of Maxim Sapozhkov. Among diagonal players, he selected Mikhailov first. “It wouldn’t have been rational not to take Mikhailov,” the coach explained his choice. Sapozhkov waited quite a long time to be selected and ultimately went to Alekno as the 17th overall pick.

Interestingly, it was Sapozhkov who emerged as the main hero of the match! He took the court for the second set alongside Konstantin Abaev and completely turned the game around. Some Lokomotiv fans might have shed a tear. Sapozhkov, a graduate of the club, could have returned to Novosibirsk this year, but they opted for Ilya Kazachenkov. Thus, the towering figure in Russian volleyball (standing at 220 cm) transferred to Dynamo after two seasons in Italy.

Sapozhkov entered the game and immediately began spiking balls from an impressive height—Bryansky’s team struggled to stop him, either with blocks or through defense. Additionally, the 23-year-old delivered powerful serves, scoring three aces. In offense, he secured 14 out of 21 attempts (67%). Unsurprisingly, he was named the MVP of the match.

Maxim Sapozhkov

“The emotions are incredible. After two seasons in Italy, returning to Russia and making an impact in my first game feels amazing. I’m thrilled,” said Maxim. Bryansky also expressed satisfaction: “Sapozhkov exhibited an exceptional level of play. I hope to see the same performance in the Russian championship.” Dynamo signed Sapozhkov to partner with Tsvetan Sokolov. If Maxim continues to play at this level, the Bulgarian legionnaire’s playing time may be reduced.

Regarding Mikhailov, he played modestly (12/27, 44%). In the third set, there was an instance where he was blocked twice in a row. However, the primary issue for Bryansky’s team stemmed from the outside hitters. After the first set, they began to make a series of errors, with Denis Bohdan scoring 9 points with 12 turnovers and Anton Semishev scoring 8 points but also committing 8 errors. Their negative actions outweighed their positive contributions. The coach hesitated to make substitutions; Klyuka primarily came on to serve, scoring one ace, while Yaroslav Podlesnykh did not step onto the court at all.

Bryansky’s team found strength in the centers. Ilyas Kurkaev had a standout performance, scoring 12 out of 14 attempts (86%, 0 errors) and also notching two aces. Ilya Vlasov made an impressive impact with 6 blocks.

Ilyas Kurkaev vs. teammate Dmitry Lyzik

Alekno’s team, featuring Sapozhkov, Volkov, and Tetyukhin, delivered a more powerful attack. Moreover, the “beasts,” as the “blues” referred to themselves, had better reception. “Before the game, I told the team: ‘Enjoy yourselves on the court.’ I hope that not only the players but also the spectators had fun. In the current circumstances, both the audience and we are in desperate need of such tournaments, trophies, and an atmosphere like this,” Alekno stated after the match. He returned to coaching after a three-year hiatus and immediately won the trophy, along with a check for 7.5 million rubles. The losing team received 2.5 million in prize money.

However, St. Petersburg’s Zenit, now under Alekno’s guidance, missed their first chance at a trophy of the season yesterday, losing to Belogorye (0:3) in the Platonov Memorial semi-final. The dates for the pre-season tournament overlapped with the Channel One Cup and the matches of the second Russian national team (which lost to Belarus yesterday), so many players in St. Petersburg participated with secondary teams. As a result, Belogorye and Nova won 0:2 against Dynamo-Ural, with notable absences of Andrey Titich and Michael Shcherbakov, who went to the Channel One Cup. They were the last picked in the draft and did not receive any playing time. It’s a pity for the legends.

Channel One Cup-2024

Bryansk Team – Alekno Team – 1:3 (25:20, 21:25, 22:25, 19:25)
August 17. Moscow. USZ “Druzhba”. Judges Oleynik (Moscow), Zenovich (Rostov-on-Don).
Bryansk team: Bogdan (9), Kurkaev (15), Mikhailov (13), Semyshev (8), Vlasov (11), Pankov (3) – startBaranov (libero), Kobzar (0), Kazachenkov (0), Klyuka (1). Did not play: Podlesnykh, Zabolotnikov, Titich, Zhuk.
Team Alekno: Volkov (19), Volvich (5), Poletaev (2), Tetyukhin (13), Lyzik (8), Poroshin (1) – startFedorov (libero), Sapozhkov (18), Abaev (2), Dineikin (1). Did not play: Yakovlev, Golubev, Martynyuk, Shcherbakov.
Points – 87:95, serve – 7:7, attack – 45:54, block – 9:8, reception – 49%:57%, errors – 26:26.

Detailed statistics

Highlights of the Inaugural Channel One Cup: A Showdown of Russian Volleyball Talent

His joker Sapozhkov left no chance for his teammates from Dynamo.

The first-ever Channel One Cup was held in Moscow, showcasing an exhilarating match where Vladimir Alekno’s team triumphed over Constantine Bryansky’s squad with a score of 3:1. This landmark event marked a significant moment for Russian volleyball, which has historically received sporadic attention on national television. The teams were meticulously formulated at the draft, with coaches selecting a total of 14 players. However, only 10 players participated in this match due to the competitive format that prioritized a solid performance over a showy display with mass substitutions.

Vladimir Alekno

Channel One’s Commitment to Volleyball: A Promising Future

Channel One dedicated two hours of airtime to volleyball, an unprecedented commitment that underscores the sport’s growing significance in Russia. Previously, volleyball matches were broadcasted only once every four years on the first channel. However, Constantine Ernst, the general director of Channel One, has pledged to make this event a regular feature, stating, “We started the Channel One Cup; we will continue it.” This commitment was witnessed by notable figures, including the Russian President’s aide, Nikolay Patrusheva, advocating for a revitalized interest in the sport.

Potential Challenges in Viewer Engagement

Despite the initial excitement surrounding the Channel One Cup, there are concerns about viewer retention. Alexander Yaremenko, Secretary General of the All-Russian Volleyball Federation, expressed optimism about using this tournament to popularize volleyball but also acknowledged the challenge of drawing casual viewers into a format where players are pitted against their teammates. In the broadcast, teams were merely labeled as “reds” and “blues” instead of their respective club names, which may have diluted fans’ emotional investment.

Konstantin Ernst

The elite perception of the event was further enhanced by ticket prices that ranged from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles, leading to fewer attendees and empty seats at the 3,000-seat venue, Druzhba. This exclusivity, while perceived as an extravagance, ultimately hindered broader spectator engagement.

The Atmosphere During the Match

Despite its challenges, the atmosphere at the Channel One Cup was electrifying. Players displayed evident joy on the court, even as the coaches reminded them of the competitive nature of the event. Noteworthy performances came from players returning from injuries, including Egor Gossip, who played for the first time since May 2023, and Dmitry Lysic, who stepped back into the fray from injury as well.

Maxim Sapozhkov’s Unforgettable Performance

Draft Insights and MVP Honors

Maxim Sapozhkov was drafted 17th overall, but he quickly became the hero of the match. He entered the game for the second set alongside Konstantin Abaev and immediately transformed the tide. His commanding presence was felt as he executed spectacular attacks and serves, culminating in the MVP award for the match. With a striking height of 220 cm, Sapozhkov dominated the court, scoring an impressive 14 out of 21 attempts (67%) and delivering three aces.

Maxim Sapozhkov

Expressing his excitement post-match, Sapozhkov remarked, “After two seasons in Italy, to return to Russia and make a name for yourself in the first game is awesome. I’m happy.” His contribution won him admiration from coach Bryansky, highlighting the potential he brings to the national league.

Team Dynamics and Player Performances

In contrast to Sapozhkov’s standout performance, fellow players such as Maxim Mikhailov struggled to deliver consistent play, tallying only 12 successful hits out of 27 attempts (44%). Meanwhile, several outside hitters for Bryansky’s team underperformed, impacting the overall effectiveness of their strategies. Denis Bohdan and Anton Semishev faced difficulties, committing numerous errors that negated their contributions.

Maxim Sapozhkov details

On the bright side, the center players proved pivotal for Bryansky’s team, particularly Ilyas Kurkaev, who shone with a remarkable attack efficiency (12 out of 14 with no errors) and contributed two aces. His performance was a testament to the importance of solid team coordination.

Match Overview and Statistics

Team Score Key Players
Bryansky Team 1 Bogdan (9), Kurkaev (15), Mikhailov (13)
Alekno Team 3 Volkov (19), Sapozhkov (18), Tetyukhin (13)

Noteworthy Coaching Strategies

Both coaches, Alekno and Bryansky, implemented distinct strategies in their game plans. Bryansky opted for a lineup that included five Dynamo players, which initially worked in their favor during the early sets. However, Alekno’s adjustments paid off handsomely as the match progressed, demonstrating the significance of adaptability in sports.

Conclusion of the Match

Alekno’s squad emerged victorious not only claiming the trophy but also taking home 7.5 million rubles in prize money, while Bryansky’s team secured 2.5 million. An atmosphere laden with enthusiasm and competitive spirit prevailed, showing that even amidst challenges, the love for volleyball remains strong in Russia.

Future of Volleyball on Channel One

Looking ahead, the Channel One Cup appears to be a promising platform for the elevation of volleyball on a national scale. With a growing commitment from media outlets and the federation, volleyball enthusiasts can look forward to a vibrant future for the sport.



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