Alec Baldwin could go to trial in New Mexico for shooting incident on recording set

Alec Baldwin unleashed a wave of news in the international media, due to the controversial incident that occurred on the recording set of the tape Rust. The actor was left in the middle of a series of accusations and legal proceedings, which pointed to his responsibility for operating the weapon with which Halyna Hutchins, director of photography, died.

Recently, the state of New Mexico revealed that a budget item of $317,000 dollars was approved for the Prosecutor’s Office and the authorities to file charges against the four people who were involved in the death that occurred on the filming set. On the list of those involved would be the actor, who was sued and investigated in the past for the case.

As reported los angeles times, the money that will be granted will serve to officially designate Andrea Reeb, special prosecutor, who will act as supervisor of the entire process. This sum will cover all the expenses of the trial to which those responsible for said incident would be presented.

The newspaper Santa Fe New Mexican published a letter, dated August 30, stating that Mary Carmack-Altwies, the Santa Fe County prosecutor, named four people who could be prosecuted for the accident. In this document it was pointed out that the official requested the financing of the case to take those involved to the last instance.

One of the possible defendants is the renowned actor Alec Baldwin”, pointed out the letter, which left the other three characters against whom legal actions would be taken anonymous.

At the moment, the dates and deadlines for carrying out the aforementioned trial for this incident are unknown, so It is only known first-hand that the prosecutor added that if the charges are justified, the people would be prosecuted immediately.

The artist’s lawyer spoke about it, responding to the statement with a document in which he stated that the authorities have not decided “against whom these charges will be filed.”

“During my communications with the prosecutor’s office just a few weeks ago, after the August 30 funding request was submitted, they told me it would be premature to discuss the case, because they had not yet reviewed the file or deliberated on the prosecution decision. Baldwin’s representative, Luke Nikas, reported.

Alec Baldwin tells how his life has been after the accident on the set of ‘Rust’

Some time ago, the results of the FBI forensic investigations into the accident on the set of the film came to light. Rustin which it was indicated that Alec Baldwin would have pulled the trigger that released the bullet that ended the life of the cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. On August 19, the actor again referred to the fact in the middle of an interview with the American chain CNN.

In his speech, Baldwin took the opportunity to recall that there were people who were hired to verify that the weapon was not loaded, and that there should not be live ammunition on the set. In addition to indicating that, after the accident, he has lost several jobs, that he would be expecting a new baby, which would be his motivation to continue in the world of cinema, like his wife.

“There are two people who didn’t do what they were supposed to do… I’m not sitting here saying that I want them to, you know, go to prison, or that I want their lives to be hell. I don’t want that, but I want everyone to know that those are the two people who are responsible for what happened.”, affirmed the actor, referring to the people on whom the responsibility would rest.

“If I didn’t have my wife, I don’t know where I would be right now… If I didn’t have her, I probably would have quit, retired, left; you know, I would have sold everything I had, I would have gotten a house in the middle of nowhere and, you know, I would have found something else to do, sell real estate, “added the actor for the aforementioned medium, indicating that it was his wife who supported him and so he would not be thinking of retiring from acting.

Baldwin added in his interview that He has already lost 5 job opportunities since October 2021, when the accident happened, stating that this has been another of the difficult consequences for him. “They fired me from another job yesterday… Everything was ready to make a movie, get on a plane… I’ve been talking to these people for months and yesterday they told me that they don’t want to make the movie with me because of this,” he said.

And regarding the continuation of the filming, the actor stated that he agreed, since this could be taken as a tribute to the director Hutchins, adding that the profits of this could go directly to the upbringing of the child of this victim.

“People talk about ending the movie to honor Halyna and I totally agree with that, that’s great. But what is more important, we wanted to put the money in the child’s pocket,” Baldwin said.

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