Aldo Miyashiro: Reporter and cameraman from “La Banda del Chino” were attacked at El Porvenir’s Mundialito Víctor Hugo Dávila Magaly Medina Fiorella Retiz Farándula RMMN | SHOWS

The consequences of ampay to Aldo Miyashiro and Fiorella Retiz kissing at the house of Oscar del Portalwho would also have had an affair with Fiorella Méndez, continue to be evidenced as a press team from “The Chinese Band” He was attacked in the Mundialito of El Porvenir.

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Víctor Hugo Dávila attended to cover the popular sporting event that takes place in the district of La Victoria every May 1 for Labor Day, but he never imagined that the attendees would react by rejecting his presence and would throw bottles at him and boo him and his cameraman.

“Víctor Hugo, who is one of the reporters, co-hosts of the Chinese Miyashiro in his program on América Televisión, when he arrived with his camera, was booed by the people who were there. The attendees became somewhat aggressive, they threw bottles, beer cans… They told him to get out of there”, said Magaly Medina while the images of what happened on her program were broadcast.

“He got a little (…), he stopped to square them up a bit and tell them: ‘What’s wrong with them!’… But I think it was too challenging for a representative of Miyashiro’s show to show up right at a ‘pichanga’… Don’t overdo it then! What are you going for? If you know that they are not going to want you there”, considered about the reporter’s presence at the scene.

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“You are realizing that an entire country has now become a long bag for pichangas and who caused it? Miyashiro’s ampay… Then, Víctor Hugo who is a representative (of the space), one of his legs, who works with him, is going to make a note there and logically people reacted “, he added.

Finally, the popular ‘Urraca’ considered that the attitude of the people who attended the show was not correct; however, he considered that the once called ‘People’s Reporter’ “He got a little jerk.” “You have to understand then… You have to be innocent and ingenuous to believe that they are not going to do something to you if you go, that is already looking for three feet to the cat”, Medina sentenced.


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