Alcolodes on sale. “They closely resemble the popular water ice cream.”

Alcolodes on sale. “They closely resemble the popular water ice cream.”

Alkolody – this is another product with added alcohol that can be purchased in grocery stores – reports the portal, citing information received from a reader. It will be available in the frozen food section. – Such behavior by producers and distributors of alcohol will not be possible – comments the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, referring to the prepared amendment to the Act, which is to, among other things, prohibit the sale of products other than liquid ones.

It turns out that alcotubes are not the only “modern” alcoholic product. As reported by the portal, you can buy alcolody in the frozen food section of one of the Poznań stores.

Alcolodes with regular ice cream. Following the alcotubes

“Our reader, in the Kopernika housing estate, found alcolods in ice cream refrigerators in one of the popular supermarket chains. They are very similar to the popular so-called water ice creams,” we read on the website.

Moreover, “they have a similar shape and size. Although the ice cream has a mark that it contains alcohol and is intended only for people over 18 years of age, but as our reader wrote, ‘it is easy to confuse them with regular ice cream.’

This is another product on the market, after the so-called alkotubki, which resemble popular fruit mousses for children. However, after public outcry, the manufacturer withdrew them from the market.

The business editorial team of wrote to the producer with questions, but by the time of publication, we had not received an answer.

Read also: Tusk about alcotubes: Czesław, please go to the ministry now and settle the matter >>>

Voice of the Ministry of Health

– Legislative changes in a democratic country are not as quick as we would like. Even in such difficult, sensitive and extraordinary situations as alcohol tubes or alcoholic ice cream. The act that we have prepared at the Ministry of Health, which is already a member of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, stipulates that alcohol packaging – this was also the request of Minister Barbara Nowacka – cannot in any way encourage children and young people up to 18 years of age to buy such alcohol – said the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, when asked about the sale of alcohol at a press conference in the Sejm.

– That’s why when our act comes into force, I’m looking for the right word, but I don’t think I can use it because the word that comes to my mind is unparliamentary. So such behavior by producers and distributors of alcohol will not be possible – she added.

– These ice creams – luckily I didn’t see them – but I understand that they look like ice cream. They resemble something that is supposed to be cool and can cool us down. So this will not be possible after this act comes into force – said Leszczyna.

No more alcohol products

After the alcotube scandal, the government has prepared an amendment to the Act on upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism, which is intended to prevent products such as alcotubes or alcolods from being placed on the market. It assumes that alcohol packaging with a capacity of up to 300 ml should be made of glass or metal and prohibits the marketing of alcohol in a form other than liquid. This, in turn, is supposed to be a response to the appearance of alcohol on the market in the form of powder, crystal, gel or paste.

Read also: New rules for the sale of alcohol. There is a project >>>

Main image source: Shutterstock

Alcolody and the Frozen Food Fiasco

Grab your spoons and brace yourself; Alkolody has arrived! Yes, it’s another fabulous product with a touch of alcohol that you can grab alongside your frozen pizza in the grocery store. Talk about a guilt-free dessert! Well, maybe not so guilt-free, particularly if the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, has anything to say about it.

According to the portal, this delightful concoction can be found hanging out in the frozen food section, mingling with ice creams that are presumably more innocent. Because nothing screams summer fun quite like an ice pop that can also double as a questionable decision after one too many backyard BBQs!

Alcolody: A Sugar Rush with a Kick

Our keen-eyed reader spotted these so-called alcolods chilling in an ice cream freezer—fusing the worlds of childhood nostalgia and questionable adult choices. I mean, if you thought freezing vodka at home was dangerous, just wait until you see it glamorously merchandised alongside your strawberry swirl! They have a similar shape and size to the beloved water ice creams that have tantalized taste buds for generations. Except this time, you might end up with more than just brain freeze.

Now, let’s not kid ourselves—these alcolods clearly come with a warning label stating they’re for those over 18, but let’s be honest: if you’re shoving a brightly colored ice treat into the hands of a kid, they’ve already won the argument. “But Mama, it *looks* like ice cream!”

And speaking of confusing packaging, may we remind everyone about the infamous alcotubes? These were the bright, fruity tubes that looked so innocent they could’ve been mistaken for the most colorful of toothpaste. Alas, the public outcry was such that they abruptly vanished from shelves quicker than socks in a dryer. Seriously, you could hear the ‘whoosh’ as they were withdrawn faster than Lee Evans can crack a joke!

Voice of Reason: The Ministry of Health Intervenes

Enter stage left, Minister Leszczyna, with her whitepaper crusade against these nefarious frozen concoctions. She insists that legislative changes will soon banish these cheeky nuggets of alcohol from our child-friendly markets. “Even in such peculiar situations,” she quips, “we need to preserve the innocence of our children while adults try to get a sugar high.”

Doesn’t that just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? The legislation aims to ensure that product packaging does NOT resemble something that would entice a curious kid. Apparently, ice cream is now an intoxicating hazard that requires a SWAT team of lawmakers to tackle! Thank you, government!

No More Hiding Behind Ice Creamesque Packaging

But let’s not forget the grand plan to prevent further culinary mischief! After the alcotube scandal, which I can only assume was a heated public debate worthy of a Gervais roast, the government is rolling out its ‘no more alcotreats’ edict. The *newly minted legislation* will ensure that any alcohol package smaller than 300 ml cannot lure us in with fanciful designs. Sorry, no more alcohol in a form that resembles your favorite childhood snack: be it powders, gels, or whatever else they dream up. It’s time to get serious about sobriety—even when it’s frozen!

Main image source: Shutterstock



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