Alcabalas became a symbol of repression after post-election protests

The criminologist and lawyer specializing in security issues, Miguel Dao Dao, stated that checkpoints represent a restriction on free movement and can even lead to the deprivation of a person’s freedom. According to figures from the NGO Foro Penal, as of September 23, 1,867 arrests were recorded.

Writing Chronicle One

Caracas. After the protests that took place in a dozen states of the country, in rejection of the lack of transparency In the broadcast of the results of the elections in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) awarded the victory to Nicolás Maduro, the streets of Caracas have been filled with excessive checkpoints, with officials from various State security forces.

José* is a 23-year-old young man who works in El Paraíso, west of the city. When you encounter a checkpoint feel afraid. It reminds him of the repression exercised by the police and military after the protests of July 29 and 30 that shook the city.

It’s a horrible fear every time I see officials on the street, especially at night, because you don’t know what to expect from them. I try to avoid as many checkpoints as possible on the way to work or home.he acknowledged.

For people, these checkpoints symbolize not only the presence of the State, but also the imminent risk of being a victim of abuse, arbitrary detention or violence. According to figures from the non-governmental organization Foro Penal, until September 23 1867 arrests were recorded.

José feels fear when he encounters checkpoints after arbitrary arrests due to post-election protests.

María Isabel Parada, doctor in health psychology and founder of Psychologists Without Borders Venezuela, explained that the checkpoints and checkpoints set up by the State after the post-electoral events cause psychological effects in people.

They generate anxiety, fear, tachycardia, sweating, tremors because when they are held by police an emotional disturbance occurs that increases fear.

He added that there is an interruption in the routine that can arouse anger, aggressive words, rejection towards the police forces and that can have consequences if the stressful situation to which the person is subjected is not well managed.

More than a repression

An unofficial source explained to Chronicle.One What these checkpoints mean? a form of control that will continue until the protests and citizen crisis dissipate.

For lawyer Miguel Dao Dao, the checkpoints ordered by the State in the post-election context carry a risk that must be considered and weighed.

Furthermore, Dao assured that we cannot talk only about repression, because they are means used by some to subdue and go further against citizens.

The specialist highlighted that the concept of repression covers much more than the episodes of protests in past times, when methods such as the comb were used to disperse demonstrations. Currently, certain actions carried out by some law enforcement officers They are comparable and disrespect the human rights who assist us.

Disruption in daily routine

Mercedes* lives in the state of Miranda, but has been working in the center of Caracas for a year. A journey that takes approximately 30 minutes, but in recent days it has taken an hour or more due to so many checkpoints. One must make unnecessary turns to get to work because they close the streets and do not give way. They treat us like criminals.

In the opinion of Professor Parada, the current crisis in Venezuela has generated fear and uncertainty. What has severely affected daily routines of the people.

checkpoint, checkpoint
Police checkpoints affect the routine of Venezuelans.

He added that the hopelessness and disappointment after the results of July 28 have intensified these feelings and have made it difficult for Venezuelans to accept their reality.

According to the specialist, although it is recommended to focus on daily routines to relieve stress and anxiety, the political and economic context fosters family tensions, where people deal with anxiety about not being able to fulfill their responsibilities.

Parada stressed that the repression and fear generated by the State affect the civic and political participation of citizens, who feel threatened and isolated.

Many try to fight for their rights through demonstrations, while others prefer to take shelter and lead a quieter life to protect themselves.The situation provokes an internal struggle between the hope for justice and resignation in the face of an oppressive system..

What does the law establish?

Through resolutions No. 047391 and No. 109 of the Ministry of Popular Power for Defense and the Ministry of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, respectively, dated September 7, 2022, the criteria for the installation, operation, supervision, evaluation, registration and monitoring of control points, where citizen security bodies and other State security bodies provide services, as well as the Bolivarian National Armed Forces through the Territorial Defensive System.

Dao explained that officials cannot have their faces covered.

Dao mentioned that the article 4 establishes that they can be fixed or mobile. They will be installed in those areas where the occurrence of crime and events that constitute offenses require it and police or military personnel will participate.

They must be properly identified, as well as the officials participating. They cannot be located in dark areas, without proper public lighting, and they cannot be hooded.explained the expert.

The specialist indicated that the checkpoints represent a restriction on free movement. They can even lead to the deprivation of a person’s freedom.

It is indisputable that the situations that arise at these control points, without a doubt, impact and affect the free development of citizens. The so-called checkpoints, even when well conceived, are denatured by many and used as tolls,” said Dao.

The names were changed to protect the source.

#Alcabalas #symbol #repression #postelection #protests
2024-09-30 23:22:47



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