Alberto Fernández: “Nisman committed suicide”, the pardon for Cristina and other phrases left by the interview with the President

The appearance of the president Alberto Fernandez on TVfollowing the request to sentence Cristina Kirchner to 12 years in prison, generated repercussion. The president’s statements on the judicial situation of the vice president, her vision of Justice, and her analysis of the country’s economic problems were highlighted on Wednesday night.

The head of state gave an interview to the channel TN in which he defended Cristina Kirchner, He denied that he is going to pardon her and affirmed that “he has no doubt” that he is an “honest” person”. He questioned prosecutors and judges and spoke of “legal nonsense.” “I don’t know where they will be studying”, he came to ask.

Fernández referred to the Justice’s decision to increase the security of prosecutors and judges, in the middle of the Vialidad case. He also spoke regarding the Nisman case. “So far the only thing that has been proven is that he committed suicide“, he pointed. And he talked regarding inflation, which he identified as one of his main concerns. He denied that he thinks, in turn, of re-election.

Here is a review of his main statements:

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