Alberto Fernández is charged with “serious injuries” against Fabiola Yáñez

This Wednesday, the Argentine prosecutor Ramiro González charged former president Alberto Fernández with incurring the crime of “serious injuries” in the context of the judicial investigation for gender violence filed by his ex-partner, Fabiola Yáñez.

The prosecution also requested “evidence measures aimed at corroborating the materiality of the reported facts and attributing ownership to the accused,” for which it summoned seven people to testify, among whom was María Cantero, Fernández’s secretary whose telephone number the first evidence of violence was found; In addition, the accusing party requested access to the recordings of the Quinta de Olivos, the presidential residence where the events occurred.

According to the prosecutor, Yáñez “suffered a relationship characterized by harassment, psychological harassment and physical attacks in a context of gender and domestic violence.”

This harassment, the prosecutor considered, occurred within the framework of an “asymmetric and unequal relationship of power that has developed over time, which was increased exponentially by the election of Fernández as President of the Nation and the exercise of the position,” the media quotes Página12.

Some acts of physical violence to be investigated by the prosecution:

  • In 2016, Fernández “forced” Yáñez to perform an abortion, “through a plan that constituted mistreatment, denial of speech, harassment and phrases like ‘we have to solve it, you have to have an abortion.’”
  • Months before August 12, 2021, “Alberto Fernández grabbed Fabiola Yañez’s arm, causing the injuries whose image can be seen in the photograph that the named person sent on 12/08/2021 to María Cantero.”
  • In July 2021, “while he was next to Fabiola Yáñez in bed in the presidential suite of the Quinta de Olivos chalet, after an argument possibly caused by the so-called ‘Olivos party’”, the former president “gave her a punch in the eye.”
  • On August 11, 2021, after an argument caused by the messages that Fernández sent to Sofía Pacchi, “the former president shook Yáñez by her arms, causing an injury to one of her extremities, and held her neck with his hands.”
  • On August 12, 2021, Fernández “kicked Fabiola Yánez in the belly, knowing that the named woman could be pregnant at that time.”

#Alberto #Fernández #charged #injuries #Fabiola #Yáñez
2024-08-16 01:28:42



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