Alberto Fernández: “Do you want to test our strength? They are going to try it”

President Alberto Fernandez led today the act of promulgation of HIV laws and Oncopediatricsheld at the Casa Rosada, and during his speech he slipped a curious anecdote regarding the years he had to govern.

“A couple of days ago I had breakfast with the governor of the Chaco, Jorge Captainich and told him: ‘Coqui tell me the truth, if they had told you to choose four years to govern, Would you have chosen these four years? Fernandez began, and quickly answered his own question: “Nope. No… Everything has happened to us. As humanity, everything has happened to us.”

In this way, the president once once more delved into the difficulties of the international context and referred to the impact of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine on the country. “It is not an easy time the one we have to live with”, he warned.

And he continued: “A pandemic has happened to us that we do not know how many lives it took and that continues to demand efforts from us. And when we are raising our heads, a war appears to make everything more difficult for us “

Along these lines, Fernández also spoke of internal issues and pointed out a sector of the opposition. “We have insiders who don’t make it easy for us either. Those who speculate, the usual. To all of them, we are prepared to put the chest and give the fight that we have to give”, Fernández sentenced.

“Do you want to test our temperance? They are going to try it. Our strength? They are going to try it. Invite us to all the fights you want, none of them will be at the expense of the rights of Argentines,” the president launched.

“We will follow our convictionswe are going to continue working so that everything returns to normal, so that the economy calms downso that speculators know that in this society there is no time for speculation”, added Fernández.

Throughout the event, held in the Hall of Argentine Women of the Casa Rosada Bicentennial, the President stressed that “he will always be helping” people who suffer from illnesses and expressed: “Don’t be afraid that the State is going to be by your side.”

Accompanied by the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, the president highlighted the promulgation of the laws and the work of the infectologist Pedro Cahn.

“Argentina was a pioneer, it dealt with the treatment of these diseases and little by little it went from the famous ‘cocktail’ of medications to deal with AIDS at more limited doses, where someone as important as Pedro Cahn did so much for this disease and to make his treatment more bearable,” said Fernández.

It is a disease that can be treated and with which you can live. When it appeared it seemed irremediable and today it is no longer like that ”, The president completed by emphasizing the importance of the new legislation.

“The law seems to be the same for everyone, but we are not all equal before the law: some enjoy privileges and others do not. The State is there precisely to level conditions, put an end to some privileges and privilege those who need it. Therefore, we have taken a very important step today”, said the President.

At the end of the act, Fernández once once more asked for unity and solidarity from the Argentines and closed his speech by citing a song once more. “Because every day I am more convinced with this idea that no one is saved alone, as Fito would say: ‘I come to offer my heart’, concluded.

Previously, the Minister of Health highlighted that the two enacted regulations “expand rights” and pointed out that they will benefit “two thousand children and adolescents” together with their families. “It is a very important day in which many fights take place,” said Vizzotti.

The meeting was attended by the Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta; the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Filmus; the spokeswoman for the Presidency, Gabriela Cerruti; the Legal and Technical Secretary, Vilma Ibarra; of Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Beliz; the head of INADI, Victoria Donda, and the deputy of the Frente de Todos that promoted the norm, Carolina Gaillard.

National legislators, leaders of civil society organizations grouped in the National Front for the Health of people with HIV and viral hepatitis and the Forum of NGOs working on HIV and other problems in Argentina also participated in the act.

Earlier, the President received today at the Casa Rosada the main authorities of the Jewish mutual society, days before the 28th anniversary of the attack on the AMIA, and on the eve of the act that will be held on Monday to commemorate the event in which 85 people were killed.



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