Alberto Fernández and the meeting with Milei in Olivos: “This is pure Menemism, we have already experienced it”

2023-11-24 15:38:55

The first step for transfer of command which will take place within 16 daysIt was a “cordial chat” between the outgoing and incoming President of the Nation, Javier Miley. This is how he described it Alberto Fernandezwhich although emphasized the need to recover democratic coexistence, stressed that “This is pure Menemism, we have already experienced it and the consequences were not good.””.

In this way, in the framework of an interview granted to the Spanish newspaper, The country He was asked what his vision is about the main measures that the libertarian cabinet would take and he was blunt regarding what may happen in the future in the Argentine Republic.

“Basically he understands that the whole problem is concentrated in the fiscal deficit, that it must be reduced drastically, that for that we must stop doing public works, investing in education and health and, if the money is not enough, we must sell the companies.” of the State,” the current president of the Argentine Republic expressed with concern.

Alberto Fernández broke the silence after the meeting with Milei: “I hope he does things well”

Transition meeting in the Olivos presidential mansion: Alberto Fernández and Javier Milei

He head of state received last Tuesday President elect in the residential complex and, although in the meeting he spoke of the need to “respect that others think differently,” he later expressed his rejection of the policies that he would seek to implement during his mandate.

In this sense, Alberto Fernandez He revealed that “I have warned him of my perspective on how geopolitically Argentina stands in the world and the risks that the perspectives that he has posed mean.”

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“It was a cordial talk, where we clearly did not think alike, but we were able to listen to each other”

Alberto Fernandez analyzed the conclave he held with Javier Miley facing the handover of power in just over two weeks and considered that “it was an institutional meeting where one political force leaves power and another political force takes over.”

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Alberto Fernández, president of the Nation

Furthermore, he added that “it was a cordial talk, where clearly we did not think alike, but we were able to listen to each other,” said the main representative of the National Executive Branch.


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