Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist, a lousy husband, and his brain was stolen after he died

Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist, a lousy husband, and his brain was stolen after he died

Albert Einstein with his first wife, whom he divorced years later because of his cousin.|Celebrity lives,, Czech Video Center, as

While studying at the Polytechnic in Zurich, Einstein established a relationship with fellow student Mileva Marić. Mileva was originally from Serbia and, like Albert, studied physics and mathematics in Zurich. There are many rumors regarding her life with Einstein. According to some historians, she was a better scientist than Albert, whom she surpassed mainly in mathematics. It is even speculated that she was the co-author of the special theory of relativity. Soviet scientist Abram Fedorovich Joffe allegedly saw the original manuscript of the paper with the signature of Einstein-Marity (Marity was supposed to be a diminutive of the name Mileva). In any case, she was Einstein’s support and companion with whom he might debate even the most complex scientific theories. He rewarded her rather badly for that. Already during her studies, Mileva became pregnant. In order not to cause a scandal, she gave birth to her daughter at home in Serbia. Nothing is known regarding her fate, she was probably given up for adoption as a newborn. In 1903, Albert and Mileva married and shared an often difficult life together, with Einstein working at the patent office and unsuccessfully pursuing a professorship. Once he got it and his scientific prestige began to grow thanks to his publications, he began a relationship with his cousin Elsa and the unhappy Mileva, leaving his two sons behind. To Einstein’s credit, however, he must admit that he regularly sent her almost half of his salary and donated the entire million-dollar prize he received for the Nobel Prize in 1919 to her.

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