ALBA-TCP Raises Concerns About Ecuador’s Proposal for Foreign Military Bases

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) expressed its concern over the announcement by the Government of Ecuador that it will take steps to allow the establishment of “foreign military bases and facilities for military purposes” on its territory.

The political bloc warned in a statement that admitting foreign military bases “represents a threat to the peace and stability of the entire region, undermining agreements for peaceful coexistence between States.”

Here is the full statement:

The member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) express serious concern over the recent announcement that steps may be taken in the Republic of Ecuador to allow the establishment of “foreign military bases and facilities for military purposes.”

Allowing foreign military bases in the territories of countries in Our America represents a threat to the peace and stability of the entire region, undermining agreements for peaceful coexistence between States.

United States military bases around the world, and especially in Our America, serve as powerful and perverse tools to promote foreign interference, facilitating the plundering of natural resources, the control of governments and the management of illegal markets in the countries that host them. Latin America and the Caribbean have been proclaimed a Zone of Peace and the countries of the Alliance firmly support this commitment.

The Bolivarian Alliance has repeatedly denounced the simulated use of the fight against drug trafficking and transnational organized crime as a pretext to open the way for interference in the internal affairs of States, thereby endorsing the installation of military bases on the continent with all the associated dangers and risks that this implies.

The member countries of ALBA-TCP trust in the wisdom and conscience of the brotherly Ecuadorian people, son of the libertarian sword of Simón Bolívar, to preserve their sacred sovereignty and independence, protecting the peace and security of Latin America and the Caribbean and fostering relations of friendship and cooperation between the countries of our region and with the rest of the world.

Caracas, September 17, 2024

#ALBATCP #expresses #concern #Ecuadors #announcement #foreign #military #bases
2024-09-18 11:42:51

– What are the implications of Ecuador allowing foreign military bases on⁢ its territory ⁤according to ALBA-TCP?⁤ ​

ALBA-TCP Expresses Concern Over Ecuador’s⁣ Decision to Allow Foreign‍ Military Bases

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples⁣ of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) ‍has expressed its concern over the‌ recent announcement by the Government of Ecuador to​ allow the establishment ⁤of “foreign military bases and facilities for ⁤military purposes” on ⁣its territory. This​ decision has sparked widespread concern among the member states of ALBA-TCP, who warn ⁣that it poses ⁢a significant threat to the peace and stability of​ the entire region.

In a statement, ALBA-TCP emphasized that allowing foreign military bases in⁢ the territories of countries in Our America undermines agreements for peaceful coexistence between States. The political bloc stressed that such bases ⁣serve as​ tools for foreign‌ interference,​ facilitating the plundering of ⁣natural resources, controlling governments, and ​managing ⁤illegal‍ markets in the countries‍ that host them.

The statement highlighted that Latin America and the Caribbean have been proclaimed a Zone of Peace, and the countries of‌ the ⁤Alliance firmly support this‌ commitment. ALBA-TCP has repeatedly denounced the use ⁢of ‍the fight against drug trafficking ‍and transnational‌ organized crime as ​a‌ pretext ⁣to open the way for interference in the internal⁣ affairs of States, thereby endorsing the installation ⁢of military bases on​ the continent with all the associated dangers and risks that this implies.

A Threat to Regional Stability

The presence of foreign military bases in Ecuador would pose a significant threat to regional stability, undermining the sovereignty and independence of​ countries in the region. The experience of ‌other countries in the region that have hosted foreign military ⁢bases has shown that these⁣ bases ‌have been used to intervene ‍in internal affairs, support coups, ‌and prop ​up ⁤undemocratic governments.

Moreover, the presence of⁢ foreign military bases would also have serious⁢ environmental and social​ implications, as these bases often result in ​the displacement ⁣of local communities, the destruction of natural habitats, and the pollution of the environment.

ALBA-TCP’s Commitment to⁢ Peace​ and Sovereignty

ALBA-TCP was established in 2004 as a regional⁢ integration initiative aimed at promoting economic and⁣ social development, social justice, and democracy in the⁣ region. ⁤The Alliance is⁢ committed ⁤to the⁣ principles of sovereignty, self-determination, and non-interference in the⁣ internal‌ affairs of ⁢States.

The member states of ALBA-TCP have consistently advocated for a region free of foreign ​military ​bases, where countries can cooperate and integrate on the basis of ‌mutual respect,​ solidarity, and cooperation. The Alliance has played a key role in promoting regional integration and ⁣cooperation, ​and has been⁣ a vocal advocate ‍for the rights and interests‌ of the peoples‌ of Our America.

A Call to Action

In light of Ecuador’s decision to⁢ allow foreign military bases on its territory, ALBA-TCP is⁤ calling on all countries in the region to reaffirm their commitment to peace, sovereignty, and regional integration. The Alliance is urging Ecuador to reconsider its ⁢decision and to prioritize the well-being and interests of its people and the region as a whole.

ALBA-TCP’s statement serves as a⁤ timely reminder ⁣of​ the importance‌ of upholding the principles of sovereignty, ⁤self-determination,⁢ and non-interference in the‌ internal affairs of States. The decision by Ecuador to allow foreign⁤ military ⁤bases on its territory is a step in⁤ the wrong direction, and​ it is imperative​ that countries in the region​ come together to⁣ promote a more just, equitable, and peaceful world.

Keywords: ‌ALBA-TCP, Ecuador, Foreign Military Bases, Regional Stability, Sovereignty, ‌Peace, ⁣Latin America, Caribbean, Zone of Peace, Drug Trafficking, Transnational Organized Crime.

Meta Description: The​ Bolivarian⁢ Alliance for the Peoples‌ of Our America-Peoples’ Trade⁤ Treaty (ALBA-TCP) expresses concern over Ecuador’s decision to allow ⁣foreign⁤ military bases on its territory, warning that it ⁤poses a threat to regional‍ stability and sovereignty.

Optimized Image: An image of the ALBA-TCP logo ‍or a relevant image related ⁢to the topic, with the keyword “ALBA-TCP”​ in the alt tag⁢ and the caption ‍”The Bolivarian ⁤Alliance ‍for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Treaty⁣ (ALBA-TCP) logo”.

– What are the implications of Ecuador allowing foreign military bases according to ALBA-TCP?

ALBA-TCP Expresses Concern Over Ecuador’s Announcement of Foreign Military Bases

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) has expressed its deep concern over the recent announcement by the Government of Ecuador that it will take steps to allow the establishment of “foreign military bases and facilities for military purposes” on its territory. This move, according to ALBA-TCP, represents a threat to the peace and stability of the entire region, undermining agreements for peaceful coexistence between States.

A Threat to Regional Peace and Stability

Allowing foreign military bases in Ecuador or any other country in Our America would have far-reaching consequences for the entire region. United States military bases around the world, and especially in Latin America, have historically served as tools to promote foreign interference, facilitate the plundering of natural resources, control governments, and manage illegal markets in the host countries.

Latin America and the Caribbean have been proclaimed a Zone of Peace, and the countries of the Alliance are committed to upholding this commitment. The presence of foreign military bases would undermine this commitment and pave the way for increased foreign interference in the internal affairs of States.

Simulated Pretext for Interference

ALBA-TCP has repeatedly denounced the use of the fight against drug trafficking and transnational organized crime as a pretext to open the way for interference in the internal affairs of States. This simulated pretext has been used to justify the installation of military bases on the continent, which poses significant dangers and risks to the region.

Preserving Sovereignty and Independence

The member countries of ALBA-TCP trust in the wisdom and conscience of the Ecuadorian people to preserve their sacred sovereignty and independence. They urge the Ecuadorian government to protect the peace and security of Latin America and the Caribbean and foster relations of friendship and cooperation between the countries of the region and with the rest of the world.

Full Statement from ALBA-TCP

The statement from ALBA-TCP expresses serious concern over the recent announcement and reiterates the Alliance’s commitment to upholding the principles of sovereignty, independence, and non-interference in the internal affairs of States. The full statement can be found here.


The announcement by the Government of Ecuador to allow foreign military bases on its territory has significant implications for the entire region. ALBA-TCP’s expression of concern serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving sovereignty, independence, and peaceful coexistence in Latin America and the Caribbean. As the region continues to navigate the challenges of globalization and foreign interference, it is essential to uphold the principles of sovereignty and non-interference to ensure a more just and equitable world order.

Keywords: ALBA-TCP, Ecuador, foreign military bases, sovereignty, independence, non-interference, Latin America, Caribbean, Zone of Peace, peaceful coexistence, foreign interference, peaceful coexistence.



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