ALBA-TCP condemned “sabotage of the electrical system and communications” in Venezuela

In a statement, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty, categorically condemned the sabotage operations against the national electrical system and communications in Venezuela, this Friday, August 30, 2024.

“This vandalistic and criminal act by a fascist sector that does not accept the will of the Venezuelan people and insists on continuing with its coup plans, is a direct attack on the people, which seriously affects their well-being and development, with enormous consequences for their physical and psychological health.preventing them from carrying out their normal routine, acquiring food and medicine, working, among other things,” reads part of the statement.

“ALBA-TCP strongly condemns the direct, blatant and flagrant violation of the human rights of the Venezuelan people and demands that the harassment of this sister nation cease.”

The full statement is below:



The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) categorically condemns the sabotage operations against the national electrical system and communications in general in the sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, this Friday, August 30, 2024.

This vandalistic and criminal act by a fascist sector that does not accept the will of the Venezuelan people and insists on continuing with its coup plans, is a direct attack on the people, which seriously affects their well-being and development, with enormous consequences on their physical and psychological health, preventing them from carrying out their normal routine, acquiring food and medicine, working, among other things.

The Bolivarian Alliance supports all actions of the Venezuelan government to restore normality, determine those responsible and restore peace to a noble and hard-working people, who have been able to overcome each attack with great resilience and who have no other horizon than progress and well-being.

ALBA-TCP strongly condemns the direct, blatant and flagrant violation of the human rights of the Venezuelan people and demands that the harassment of this sister nation cease.

|| Alberto News

#ALBATCP #condemned #sabotage #electrical #system #communications #Venezuela
2024-09-01 03:01:21



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