Alalum at the University of Western Attica – What happened? 2024-08-05 08:01:58

Mr. Kaldis reacted by characterizing the process as illegitimate, with the Foundation remaining in recent hours in a cloudy status regarding its administration.

During this time, there was a rich background, with the Foundation’s academics being in the middle of a storm of mutually negating emails, with the Foundation Council and also the vice-chancellors appearing divided in two, one on the side of the rector, the other on the opposite front.

The climax of the alalum that prevailed was the sending of a deed confirming the termination of the rector’s duties signed by a vice-rector and its revocation a short time later by another deed signed by another vice-rector.

From the first moment, the Ministry of Education was informed about the developments at the University, with the minister, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, requesting the issuance of an opinion from the Legal Council of the State, regarding the required majority of the members of the Foundation Council for the decision to terminate the rector , following the submission of a motion of no confidence in the University of Western Attica.

It is noted that there is confusion about whether the majority required by law was observed (8 out of 11 members must vote in favor of the motion of no confidence for it to be accepted), while it is not confirmed the number of Council members who participated and voted in the crucial meeting.

Estate purchase

Among various issues raised in the no-confidence motion, the six members of the Foundation Council also refer to the dean’s handling of the tender process for the purchase of the property, which would house the “Tourism Innovation Center” of the University of Western Attica.

The Ministry of Education sent a report to the National Transparency Authority for the investigation – within its competence – of the decisions of the bodies of the University of Western Attica in relation to the purchase of the property in question.

The members of the Council talk about the rector’s insistence on buying a property in an area unsuitable for students, which lacks a static adequacy study and which is overpriced (its purchase is priced at 8,500,000 euros, while its objective value – as argued by the members – is at 3,700,000 euros).

Mr. Kaldis responded to the accusations, stating that the answers for the building have been given by the Act of the Court of Audit, which checked all legality procedures, as he noted, and spoke of an indecent, insulting and immoral attack against him.

#Alalum #University #Western #Attica #happened



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