Al-Otaiba calls on Washington to reclassify the Houthi militia as a terrorist organization

Abu Dhabi (Etihad)

Yesterday, His Excellency Yousef Manea Al-Otaiba, the country’s ambassador to the United States of America, called on the US administration and Congress to support the reclassification of the Houthi militia as a “foreign terrorist organization” once morest the backdrop of the terrorist attacks it launched on civilian facilities in the country.
His Excellency the Ambassador’s statements came through a tweet published by the official account of the UAE Mission to the United States of America in Washington on Twitter.
In turn, a US State Department spokesman told AFP: “The administration of President Joe Biden has punished and will continue to punish Houthi leaders in Yemen who participate in military attacks that exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, pose a serious threat to civilians and contribute to broader instability in Yemen, and elsewhere others in the region.
The State Department spokesman stressed that “we will not hesitate to target individuals and entities who prolong the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen or seek to benefit from the suffering of the Yemeni people.”
The administration of former US President Donald Trump included the Houthi militia on the list of terrorist groups in January 2021, then the administration of US President Joe Biden canceled it.
Yesterday, the UAE submitted a letter to the Kingdom of Norway, President of the United Nations Security Council for the month of January, requesting a meeting of the Council, regarding the Houthi terrorist attacks on Abu Dhabi.
The letter condemns the Houthi militia’s targeting of civilians and civilian objects on UAE soil, in flagrant violation of international law, and calls on the Security Council to condemn the Houthi attacks unequivocally and with one voice.
On the subject, His Excellency Lana Nusseibeh, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, said: “The UAE condemns in the strongest terms the Houthis’ targeting of civilians and civilian objects in flagrant violation of international law,” adding: “The UAE extends its sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and we wish the injured a speedy recovery.”
Her Excellency Nusseibeh indicated that “this illegal and alarming escalation is another step in the Houthis’ efforts to spread terrorism and chaos in our region, and another attempt by the Houthis, to use the capabilities they acquired illegally, in defiance of the sanctions imposed by the United Nations, to threaten peace.” and security.”
Nusseibeh said: “The UAE calls on the Security Council to speak with one voice and join the firm and unequivocal condemnation of these terrorist attacks, which were launched in complete disregard of international law.”




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