Al-Khazen: It was agreed to name a president and avert the danger of vacancy out of respect for the position of the presidency

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Former Minister Wadih al-Khazen said in a statement, “The presidential complex is not limited to the agreement of the Maronite parties only, but rather the agreement of all concerned, Muslims and Christians. However, the understanding between the Maronite leaders on a president for the country will contribute directly and with a high percentage to completing the quorum for the election session and ending the presidential crisis.”

And he continued, “It seems that following the election session of the president of the last republic, we are likely to hear serious talk regarding the presidential figure, and it may become elected unless unpleasant surprises occur,” hoping that “those concerned will grasp the seriousness of the situation, and present courageously to a constructive dialogue that leads to To an agreement to name the fourteenth president of the republic, and to avert the danger of vacuum and vacancy, out of respect for the position of the first presidency.

Al-Khazen urged parliamentarians, as well as all officials, to “open horizons for domestic politics, following it was struck by stagnation and the absence of international confidence in our system.” And avoiding the hateful vacuum, and striving to revive life in the veins of all state administrations.



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