Al Hilal Club Considers Replacing South Korean Jang Hyun Soo with Asian Alternative for 2023-2024 Season

2023-06-07 22:11:44

The Korean player is on his way to suffer a strong shock from Al Hilal Club

Although South Korean Jang Hyun Soo is one of the main elements that Al Hilal Club relies on, the administration may deal a strong shock to him before the start of the new season 2023-2024!

Al-Hilal fans are permanently demanding that Jang Hyun-soo continue with the team, and not let him leave during the next season, after the strong performance he gave with the leader in the past years.

And the sports journalist, Ahmed Ajlan, confirmed through his account on the “Twitter” site for social communication, that Al Hilal Club has actually started searching for an Asian option, instead of the Korean Jang.

Al-Ajlan added that the medical reports indicated that Jang Hyun-soo needs 4 months in order to return again to the group training of the team.

Jang Hyun Soo suffers from a benign tumor in the lymph nodes, which he was exposed to after the end of the 2022-2023 season, and he will need treatment for the coming period.

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