“Al-Anbaa”: Bassil is playing “Sold” with Hezbollah.. and Bkerki “did not give him her approval.”

The existing mediations and the exchanged statements did not reduce the intensity of the raging debate between “Hara Hreik” and “Mirna Chalouhi”, which may take unexpected dimensions through the press conference held by Bassil at the leadership of the movement in Mirna Chalouhi hours from now, and therefore the relations between the two allies The “current” and the “party” are getting tense if nothing new occurs that will restore these relations to their normal course, and the head of the Free Patriotic Movement will not accept less than a promise from Hezbollah that his ministers will not participate in any cabinet session yet, except in extreme and rare cases. Will the hours leading up to Basil’s press conference witness a meeting between him and the political aide to Hezbollah Secretary General Hussein Al-Khalil, or a meeting between him and Haj Wafiq Safa, or both together, to cool this tension and return the waters to normal?

Observing sources revealed, in contact with the electronic newspaper “Al-Anbaa”, that “Basil wants to enlarge the stone in order to obtain political gains more than what Hezbollah can secure for him, including knowing the party’s position on the presidential election, and thus if he is unable to run for the presidency, he is at least It categorically rejects that Hezbollah adopt the nomination of the head of the Marada Movement, Suleiman Franjieh, for the presidency, as it is not ready to believe that he is the head of the largest parliamentary bloc and does not have the right to run for the presidency, while Franjieh has one deputy and his candidacy shares are high.

The sources pointed out that “Bassil wants this time for Sold to play it with Hezbollah, and he considers that as long as he secures the Christian cover for the party, it is forbidden for the latter to ally with other Christians, and for this we find him using the high-ceiling method this time, hoping to extract from the party what he wants.” Otherwise, he will find himself free in his options following today, including hiding behind Bkerke to fight the battle of preserving the position of the presidency from the gate of defending the rights of Christians. The leaders of the first row to take a unified position regarding the cabinet meetings before electing the President of the Republic, which Basil categorically rejects.

In the context, the sources downplayed the possibility of Bkerki responding to Bassil’s desires to hold a Christian-Christian dialogue for Christian leaders or Maronite leaders in particular, because such a meeting had previously been held and did not produce any result, noting that Basil bears responsibility for its spread at the time, so the sponsor’s promise came to Basil To study his proposal and hold bilateral meetings, not at the level of all Maronite leaders.

In addition, sources familiar with Bkerke’s position indicated via the electronic newspaper “al-Anbaa” that “the sponsor is carefully studying his options and will not take any step unless he guarantees its success, but his priority is to elect a president for the republic, and he asked Bassil not to vote with the white paper and go Immediately to elect a President of the Republic.

As for positions, Member of the Strong Republic bloc, Representative Nazih Matta, indicated that “Bkerki always calls for a kind of dialogue, and he does not know if the “current” group is trying to exploit this point to demand a Christian-Christian dialogue to support their position objecting to the cabinet meeting, considering it an attack. on the powers of the President of the Republic,” revealing in an interview with the electronic newspaper “al-Anbaa” that “Bkerki cannot say why there is no dialogue, but the sponsor talked regarding bilateral dialogues, and therefore he took this demand in a realistic direction and bilateral dialogue, knowing that she cannot go to expanded dialogues because she You know who reneged on the dialogue last time with a long and broad promise, and that the experience that took place in the past did not lead to a place.”

And Matta believed that “there is something serious this time, as Bassil considers that Hezbollah has stabbed him, but according to his opinion, matters will not go far between the party and the current, so the “current” cannot continue without the party, and the same applies to Hezbollah, because it provides it with Christian cover. He wondered, perhaps Bassil was seeking to re-float him as a Christian following his popularity declined due to his alliance with Hezbollah.

As for the issue of calling for dialogue, Matta indicated that “the forces consider the priority of electing the president of the republic, and if there is a dialogue session, we will discuss it under the dome of parliament, but if they want dialogue and consultation for Suleiman Franjieh, we will not participate in it,” and added: “We must go towards what We want the president and what is required of him, then it will be easy for him to be elected. But if the dialogue is regarding what Hezbollah wants from the president and what others want, then there will be no agreement and there will be no elections. Matta asked, “Why does the democratic game not take its toll, and this play that has been going on for three months stops? Their obstructionist style, and we continued without a government with full powers, and we entered the presidential vacuum, and this is a grave mistake, because we have lost our credibility in front of the people.

So the stalemate remains as it is, waiting for the rams to be resolved within the political house of the March 8 team, and the new trends that may result from it, especially in the presidential file.



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