“Akropolis Vingis” issued a construction permit document: further stages of project implementation are planned | Business

Their detailed technical projects are also submitted to the municipality, with the aim of obtaining construction permits for them as well. After receiving all the necessary construction permits, Akropolis Group will prepare detailed project implementation plans and select the most optimal financing solutions.

The design proposals of the multifunctional complex “Akropolis Vingis” were presented to the public in 2022. in July and approved by the Vilnius City Municipality in October of the same year. During the preparation of the technical project of the complex, taking into account the selected technological and engineering solutions, the design proposals were slightly adjusted and submitted again to the Vilnius City Municipality in October 2023 and presented to the public in November of the same year. In February of this year, the Vilnius city municipality approved the changes in the project proposals. According to the approved design proposals, the preparation of the technical project of the complex was completed and all the documents required to obtain the construction permit were submitted to the municipality.

Company photo/Visualization of “Akropolis Vingis”.

Will consistently implement planned steps

“We notice and positively assess the active interest of retail market participants in the Akropolis Vingis project. This is natural – the planned multifunctional quarter, which will combine trade and service spaces, a concert hall, a conference center, a cinema center, offices and apartments for long-term residential rental, and recreation spaces, is one of the largest in the Baltic States. Taking into account the complexity and scale of this project, we will consistently implement the planned steps necessary for the further development of the Akropolis Vingis project,” says Nerijus Maknevičius, director and chairman of the board of Akropolis Group.

After the construction permits for the traffic infrastructure improvement projects are received, the company will update the estimates for the construction of the multifunctional quarter and the public infrastructure improvement works designed in its neighborhood in the next few months, will specify the investment plan for the implementation of the project, and will select the most optimal solutions for financing the project.

“We will inform the public about the further course of the multi-functional complex “Akropolis Vingis” project and the traffic infrastructure improvement projects planned next to it, as soon as we have important news,” notes N. Maknevičius.

The multifunctional complex “Akropolis Vingis”, which will be built in the former industrial area, will have trade and service provision and recreation areas, a concert hall with 2,500 seats or up to 4,000 standing places, a food hall, conference and cinema centers, offices and apartments for long-term residential rental.

Company photo/Visualization of

Company photo/Visualization of “Akropolis Vingis”.

It is planned to install about 4,500 parking spaces in the complex: about 3,500 parking spaces will be installed in the two-story underground parking lot, and about 1,000 more cars will be able to be parked in the two-story parking lot designed near the commercial premises and at the entrances to the complex. The priority will be given to the convenient movement of pedestrians and cyclists in the territory of the block, where new bicycle and pedestrian paths are planned to be installed.

The conversion of the industrial area has already started

The transport and traffic infrastructure in the vicinity of the block will also change. Design proposals for the transport infrastructure were prepared in close cooperation with Vilnius City Municipality experts, taking into account their recommendations and comments. A total of three project proposals were prepared, which include infrastructure solutions to be implemented in Eigulia, Geležinis Vilkas, Gerosios Vilties and MKČiurlionis streets. The design proposals for two of these projects were presented to the public in January 2023, and the municipality approved the design proposals in the spring of the same year. Their detailed technical projects are submitted to the municipality in order to obtain construction permits.

One project envisages that the current intersection of Gerosios Vilties and Geležinios Vilkos streets will be reconstructed into a two-level continuous traffic intersection: a roundabout will be installed on Gerosios Vilties street at Geležinios Vilkos street, and an underground pedestrian and bicycle crossing will be built under Geležinios Vilkos street, as well as an underground entrance to the underground “Akropolis Vingis” parking lot. Another project envisages the installation of additional traffic lanes and other infrastructure improvement solutions on Eigulia Street and Savanorių Avenue roundabout.

Some of the solutions for improving the traffic infrastructure are already being implemented – in accordance with the construction permit issued separately for the project, the construction of the section of Eigulių street at the edge of the development plot is being completed, through which convenient access to the apartment block “reVINGIS” developed by the Galio group company in the neighborhood of “Akropolis Vingis” will be ensured.

These solutions are expected to increase traffic capacity, ensure safe and convenient communication for pedestrians, cyclists and cars. While maintaining and updating the transportation infrastructure, it is also planned to reconstruct the street lighting and install more than 2.5 km of new pedestrian and bicycle paths. All public infrastructure improvement works will be implemented at the expense of the developer of the Akropolis Vingis project. Based on the current legal acts, a permit for the operation of a multifunctional complex can be issued only after the developer has fully completed the implementation of infrastructure improvement projects.

During the conversion of the same former industrial area in Vilkpėda, the real estate development company “Galio Group” creates a comfortable and high-quality living space with infrastructure adapted to both active leisure and quiet relaxation. The “reVINGIS” residential complex currently under construction will consist of 4 apartment blocks, 14 residential buildings and about 650 residential and other purpose premises. In May, the first phase of “reVINGIS” was completed – four buildings of the apartment building “River Space” were built and the construction completion certificate was received. Settlers will be able to celebrate the founding of the “Park Space” quarter, which is being built in the second phase, at the beginning of next year.

At the same time, environmental management works are taking place – with the funds of Galio Group and Akropolis Group, a part of the previously abandoned Neris embankment, the so-called beaver trail, was repaired and handed over to the city. A greenway running right next to the river has been opened for the citizens, with a scenic route to reach Vingis Park. Only natural materials were used for the construction of the trail, and intervention into nature was minimal in order to maintain the most natural environment possible. The path is connected to the top of the slope by wooden pedestrian stairs, and there are also several observation decks that offer a view of the Neris River.

#Akropolis #Vingis #issued #construction #permit #document #stages #project #implementation #planned #Business
2024-09-02 10:20:08



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