AKKMI Strengthens Cosmetic Industry in Indonesia


The Indonesian Cosmetic Contract Manufacturers Association (AKKMI) held a Soft Launching event with the theme Building Synergy Towards Global Competitiveness and National Economic Growth which was held at the Mulia Hotel, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday (22/8).

This event is an important milestone for AKKMI, as an initial step in carrying out the mission to strengthen and develop the cosmetic maklon industry in Indonesia through synergy, innovation, and collaboration among industry players.

AKKMI Chairman Halim Nababan stated that AKKMI was formed with the aim of becoming a forum for cosmetic manufacturing contract companies in Indonesia, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and Original Design Manufacturers (ODM). “AKKMI acts as a collaboration platform that allows its members to share information, experiences, and resources to achieve mutual progress,” said Halim.

In addition, AKKMI is also determined to encourage the growth of the cosmetics industry in Indonesia by introducing innovations based on science and prioritizing local wisdom. He stated that this is an important momentum for AKKMI to introduce its vision and mission to all stakeholders in the cosmetics industry in Indonesia. “We believe that through this event, AKKMI will start a new era in stronger industrial synergy, as well as encourage the creation of innovations that are able to compete in the global market,” said Halim.

Program soft launching This was attended by various parties who play an important role in the cosmetics industry, namely the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), LPPOM MUI, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), KADIN, Perkosmi, and the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI).

AKKMI invites all parties involved in the cosmetics industry to join and actively participate in this association. “With the tagline AKKMI Synergize, Excel, and Innovate, AKKMI hopes to jointly strengthen the resources of the Indonesian cosmetics industry, especially in the field of contract manufacturing so that it becomes a superior, competent industry, and ready to compete in the global arena,” he explained.

Also read: BPOM: Need to Strengthen Imported Cosmetic Regulations

?He explained that AKKMI is an organization formed to understand market dynamics and lifestyle changes, as well as to facilitate the exchange of information with associations at home and abroad. AKKMI also plays a role in understanding regulatory trends both at the national and international levels, and seeks to provide a positive influence and contribute to finding solutions to global environmental and sustainability problems.

“The goal is to further improve the global competitiveness of Indonesian cosmetic products and ensure the quality and reliability of the production process and cosmetic products,” he added.

In addition, AKKMI is committed to contributing to the healthy growth and development of the cosmetics industry as a whole. We sincerely respond to the opinions and requests of all members, and strive to provide fair access to relevant training and education opportunities for all members. (S-1)

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