Akis Skertsos: New actions and reforms are starting – 2024-08-02 14:28:00

The government is putting the machines at full speed for the rest of the current year, as it appears from the proposal of Akis Skertsos to the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, for the Review of Action Plans of the Ministries 2024.

In detail, these are 58 projects and 87 reform actions, with 881 new policy milestones. These are actions, projects and reforms, which take into account the needs of society and relate to the 5 axes of the government program for a more productive, social, digital and green, fair and strong Greece.

According to information from APE-MBE:

In the 1st axis, in particular, for “Productive Greece”, it is indicatively provided for:
– Reorganization of EFET – Reform of the food control system.

-Employment strategy (use of P.S. ERGANI data)

-Restructuring of the Superfund (in application, apparently, of the relevant law, which was passed yesterday)

-New hotel classification system based on sustainable development principles.

-Restoration of accessibility after the devastating effects of the bad weather “DANIEL” – Signing of contracts

In the 2nd axis, under the title, “Social Greece”, many actions relate to social needs. There is, for example, planning for:
Improving the effectiveness of granted benefits.
– Reform of KEPA-Digital KEPA.

-Framework for inclusive education.

-Measures to combat bullying.

– Interventions for social compensation.

-Platform for managing cultural events in cultural venues and museums.

-Rationalization of surgery planning system.

-Overdue hospital debts.

-Reorganization of EOPYY, EOF, EKAPY (National Central Authority for Health Supplies), DRG’s (System of Diagnostically Homogeneous Groups).

– Operation of “safe houses” for the accommodation of women victims of domestic violence.

-Measures to combat violence against minors.

*The 3rd axis of “Digital and Green Greece” provides, among other things:

-Implementation of Masterplan of Thessaly.

– Water management strategy.

-Establishment of a Decarbonization Fund.

– Institutional framework for Repower EU (RRF 16987).

In the next (4th) axis for “just Greece”, the following are proposed:

– Reform of the Code of Civil Procedure – Institutional framework for auctions and sales of “red” loans

-Reorganization of the Court Building Financing Fund (TAHDIK)

– New Disciplinary Law of public servants

-Artificial Intelligence System for Civil Recruiting (RRP 16972)

Finally, in the chapter, “Strong Greece” (5th axis), there is a reference to actions – reforms, such as:

-Establishment of the Hellenic Center for Defense Innovation.

-Implementation of a Housing Program for Armed Forces personnel, mainly in border and critical areas.

– Interventions for land workers – transfer of workers.

-Implementation of a new institutional framework for State Aid.

-National Disaster Risk Management Plan.

In conclusion, ‘A. Skertsos underlined, according to information, the need to speed up and at the same time enrich government actions with new policies that respond to new problems and demands that the citizens themselves put to the government. Exactly, this need is served, after all, by the revision of the Ministries’ Annual Action Plans for 2024, he observed. In this regard, the review responds to the major challenges that the government is called upon to face even more targeted with its policies. In particular, the challenge of the demographic issue, the cost of housing, the climate crisis, the gaps in the labor market, the improvement of the country’s trade balance and the further increase in investments.

Finally, during his presentation, the Minister of State took stock of the first 12 months of the government’s second four-year term: based on the monitoring mechanism of government work, 42% of the commitments for the current year have been implemented, namely 29 reforms and 25 major public investments.

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