Akhras is practicing singing “Live”

Amman: «The Gulf»

Jordanian singer Muhammad al-Akhras responded to an attack on him following his voice was disturbed during his last public concert in Amman, by pledging to train in the coming period, while sources in the Artists Syndicate confirmed his non-participation in the 36th Jerash Festival despite his initial listing on the list of names.

Akhras, who has performed in concerts in Lebanon and Jordan, and whose emotional songs receive millions of views on websites, said: “My voice betrayed me this time and I went outside my usual class, and this may happen sometimes.”

Akhras, who in two years released 14 songs of a “romantic” nature, most notably “Sati Janbi”, got 67 million views. He confirmed that with constructive criticism, but he expressed his dissatisfaction with what he described as a “bullying and defamation campaign” that affected his person and members of his family.

He added, “I was a business administration employee and decided during the recent health pandemic to turn to my true passion, which is singing, and I found wide resonances with every experience, and this encouraged me to continue.”

Akhras confirmed that he has returned to the specialists and will work with the advice of learning “vocals” to develop his voice in concerts.

Akhras faced widespread criticism, who considered his “tarab” voice in his video and recorded songs to depend on technical interventions revealed by the live concert in an open public square on the airport road in Amman. And there were clips showing the apparent defect during his performance of his songs, “Kan Ya Makan” and “After Shaw,” which are broadcast in public gatherings and achieved regarding 27 million views.

Sources in the Jordanian Artists Syndicate confirmed to “Al-Khaleej” that Akhras was among the names proposed to revive a concert at the upcoming Jerash Festival session as a result of his youthful mass achievement, but members of the participants’ accreditation committee rejected this because of the humility of his direct experience, and the problems of his voice in “Live”, as well as About his business management request for a large financial compensation during initial communication with her.

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