Akhannouch mobilizes state departments to pay a 1,000 dirham increase in employee salaries.


Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch has mobilized state departments to pay a 1,000 dirham increase in employee salaries. Akhannouch has sent a new circular to ministers, high commissioners and the general delegate, calling for the implementation of the measures decided upon within the framework of the April 29, 2024 agreement for social dialogue, for the benefit of employees of public institutions.

The government had decided to increase a net monthly amount, set at 1,000 dirhams, to the salaries of public administration employees, to be paid in two equal installments, the first starting from July 1, 2024, and the second starting from July 1, 2025. Akhannouch explained in the circular that for public institutions that apply the regulatory provisions in force in the civil service, the employees of these institutions will benefit from the aforementioned procedures, in accordance with the decrees as basic systems, which apply to them as amended and supplemented, either directly if the basic system of the institution in question explicitly provides for the automatic benefit of its employees from these systems, or by amending its basic systems and submitting them to the approval procedure.

The Prime Minister added in the same publication that, as for public institutions that apply special basic systems that are contrary to the provisions in force in the civil service, their employees will benefit, depending on the case, from the aforementioned monthly increase, by amending their basic systems and submitting them to the approval procedure.

Accordingly, Akhannouch called on ministers, high commissioners and the General Delegate to notify all public institutions under his supervision of these measures, in order to take the necessary measures to implement them.

The government approved, at the beginning of this month, a set of draft decrees that fall within the framework of implementing the commitments arising from the social dialogue, and mainly concern the first installment of the increase in the wages of employees in the Kingdom. The approval of these draft decrees comes within the agreement signed between the government and the trade union centers, in the last central social dialogue, which stipulated an increase in wages of 1,000 dirhams per month, which will be distributed in two installments, the first of which amounts to 500 dirhams, and will be disbursed at the end of this July.

This concerns draft decrees on the statute of the inter-ministerial board of administrators, the statute of the inter-ministerial board of engineers and architects, and the statute of the inter-ministerial board of editors. It will also concern draft decrees on determining the compensation system for the inter-ministerial board of technicians.

Regarding the basic system for the joint inter-ministerial administrative assistants body and the basic system for the joint inter-ministerial technical assistants body, the projects also include the basic system for the joint inter-ministerial trainers body for vocational training institutions, and the determination of the compensation system for some public administration employees and the creation of compensation for administrative progression, for the benefit of employees and executives of the central administration and employees participating in public administrations, and employees of special executives in some ministries.

The approved projects included, according to the events, the basic system for the General Inspectorate of Finance, the basic system for the employees of the House of Representatives, the basic system for the employees of the Council of Advisors, and the basic system for the employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, noting that draft decrees were approved to establish a body for legal advisors for departments at the General Secretariat of the Government, and to determine the compensations and benefits granted to judges of the first, second and third degrees, and to determine the compensations and benefits granted to judges of the exceptional degree and the excellent degree.

In addition, draft decrees were approved to determine the compensation and benefits granted to judges outside the rank, regarding the statute of the Registry, regarding the statute of the Prison Administration and Reintegration Staff, and regarding the statute of the staff of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary.

It also concerns draft decrees on the basic statute of the staff of the Customs and Indirect Tax Administration; on determining the compensation and benefits granted to judges of the financial courts; on determining the basic statute of employees of the Competition Council; and on creating a senior position in charge of studies in the various ministries.

#Akhannouch #mobilizes #state #departments #pay #dirham #increase #employee #salaries
2024-08-02 03:17:08



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