Akarakit Worarojcharoendet: Life After Benz Racing and Pat Napapa – A New Role, New Love, and New Beginnings

2024-01-23 11:26:51

following Benz Racing or Akarakit Worarojcharoendet ex-husband of Pat Napapa get freedom He went ahead and lived his life to the fullest. Recently, I jumped in to try and work in a drama for the first time. along with an update on his ex-wife After another announcement of the good news that he was regarding to start his life together with his younger boyfriend, P Chanon that

Is it exciting to taste the show?
“It’s actually a new role for the first time. Never been able to come to a show like this before. Normally, I’m good at driving. More car racing This movie is also regarding cars. which I think is not often seen You will see that the life of a racer is not as easy as it seems.

I play the hero’s friend. Being a racing driver, Ting Note (Thitiphong) and I have known each other for a long time. When he invited me, the decision was not difficult. Asked if there was pressure? Because it is something new I’m still not sure how much I can do. Anyway, please follow. Please take care of me. I’m a newbie (laughs). I have to adjust gradually.”

After this, if this story is successful Will you accept entertainment work?
“Alright. If there’s anything, I’m happy. If the script is interesting, fine. (Have you stepped into the industry yet?) Actually, there are many projects, but the main thing is to do the same business related to cars. Being a car dealer And another thing that I want to do is help people who have suffered. Want to do something for society?

The main thing is to use direct experience. People who have lawsuits and have been deceived, I want to use my experiences to help. Because when we were teenagers, we always did it for ourselves. Now I feel like I’ve grown up. I want to do something to give back to society.”

Come back to work as a car dealer. Previously, your mother didn’t want you to do it?
“Yes, but we try to do business carefully. be more careful And he saw that we were good at cars, but actually he was more afraid of people. When people approached us, we didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes. But when it comes to business, do it correctly, register, pay taxes, and experience is filtered. And it helps a lot. The main occupation is a car dealer. With acting, please take care of yourself as well.”

Asked regarding the role of father in real life?
“Most of them got to see their children on Sunday. Because on weekdays, you go to school. Saturday may go to activities Go to work with your mother. Come see me on Sunday. spend time together When we were together time passed so quickly. Doing activities together, traveling, going out to eat, I want to see my children often. I want to see more than this. His racing is cute. I might feel that he was growing up very quickly, smart, cute, and many people loved and adored him and said they wanted to see a lot of our moments.”

Many people tease that they look exactly the same?
“Is that right? (Smiles) Now I have to give in to my child. Someone has taken away my good looks (laughs). Even when we meet, I’m still jealous of my child. I asked if the child was still shy, and it got better. They talked and made plans regarding what to do next week and where to go. When he was with me, his style was different from his mother’s. Live with mom because they have a bond with each other. They like to sing, like to dance, like to act. When they come with their dad, they go regarding it and are a bit quiet and no-nonsense.

As for cars, let him come look at the shop and sit and take photos. Really, I don’t want him to drive the car. As a father, we are worried. It’s safer to let his mother take him horseback riding. (Children are happiness?) Yes.”

Have you met Pat to talk regarding the news?
“We talk all the time. Actually, right now there’s nothing troubling me. They kept asking each other if they were tired from working. Take care of your health (Congratulations to him?) I saw it and followed him and was an encouragement. Because if he’s happy, he must be happy with him.”

Do you yourself want to start a new life?
“We wasted a lot of time in the past. Now we must hurry and move on. Full focus on work Small work, big work If you get a lot or get a little, do it all. with love I think I can have it any time. One day, if there really is one We have to learn together.”

To be a Benz Racing today, to have someone Do you have to filter a lot?
“You also have to filter it, but actually there are a lot of people who message me in the inbox, asking for money (laughs), asking for help. He may see us as a victim. So I said that I was in trouble. If you are bullied, come and get advice. You can come and consult on this one.”

Do you intend to flirt?

“I’m not sure regarding this one. But this is not convenient. (It’s better to meet face to face?) Yes, right now I’m focusing on work first. I want to work every day. And I want to have full family time. Because when we’re in trouble, there’s only family who takes care of us. So I want to spend every day with him as much as possible.”

I would like to ask regarding the matter of applying for compensation?
“Last week I went to the complaint center. Go apply to exercise the rights that you should receive. Or if there is someone who has experienced a similar story but doesn’t know that they are getting this. We want to be an example for people who exercise their rights here. That is, it is divided into 2 parts: the cost of detention is approximately 500 baht per day and the cost of loss of income is approximately 363 baht per day.

Now I have submitted all the documents. I’ll have to go through the committee and report the results back. The document has been sent. Judgments of all court levels And for legal documents, they actually have a time limit of one year. Anyone who thinks similar to me, it’s better to exercise their rights. Because the law already gives authority in this matter.”

Is there anyone who comes to consult?

“There are some, but the ones that come to me have matters going to court. Consult regarding cases If you ask me regarding the amount of money, it’s not worth it at all. No matter how much you get, it’s not worth it. Because of the time wasted It can’t go back in time. But at least we have exercised the rights we should have. We may be an agent. Be the voice of the elders and those in authority, allowing them to see what we must encounter from what we have experienced. Whatever you can do, try it. As for my case, it’s all over.”

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