AK NÖ-Success: Company wanted to refuse termination – withheld wages secured for Weinviertler

2024-01-18 08:36:09

AK-Wieser: 30-year-old should be forced to resign later / 2,100 euros fought for for those affected

St. Pölten (OTS) – Because he already had another job lined up, a 30-year-old quit his job in a transport company in the Weinviertel on time. So far, so ordinary, one would think. However, the employer did not want to accept this termination and from then on refused to pay all claims due. “Through our intervention, the case was clarified and the employee received an outstanding amount of 2,100 euros,” says AK Lower Austria President and ÖGB Lower Austria Chairman Markus Wieser.

After the termination, the head of the transport company wanted to “commit” the 30-year-old to continue working and to resign at a later date. However, Michael S. correctly adhered to this appointment and ended his work for the parcel delivery company on that day.

The employer reacted so badly that he simply refused to pay the November salary. He also failed to pay out the employee’s termination claims, such as holiday compensation, special payments and additional and overtime hours. That’s why the van driver turned to the Chamber of Labor. “We demanded the employee’s legitimate claims. The 30-year-old received additional payment of the outstanding amount,” said Wieser.

Questions & Contact:

AK Niederösterreich, Gernot Buchegger MA, press spokesman for the president
057171-21121 or 06648134801; [email protected]

Chamber for workers and employees for Lower Austria
AK-Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten

#NÖSuccess #Company #wanted #refuse #termination #withheld #wages #secured #Weinviertler

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