- Salha Obaid Ghabish, Head of the Cultural and Media Office of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah
The literary text, whether poem, prose or narration, appears to be a world renewed by reading, a state that does not freeze in one movement or a fixed pause that does not progress or even delay, we are still in our time reading to the writers of the fifties and sixties of the last century, we read the texts of the times that passed by their names and remained In memory are its poets, writers, and those who work in research into hidden aspects of language, such as dictionaries and others. There are still studies, researches and readings bearing in their titles the names of their creators, poets, novelists, critics and others, because there are continuous discoveries beyond language, and beyond the idea that allowed the birth of the text, and beyond the writer’s culture, experience, experiences, and environment in which he grew up and which was a fresh well for the subjects of his texts.
In the midst of this recall of the texts of those days, what is new appears that accompanies the tales of his time and the changes in his environment. These texts compete to remain in the memory without planning by their writer, perhaps. And when it is within the reach of the reader or critic, it moves to another case.
There are those who refuse to stop when the text is produced, writing, printing, publishing and distributing, this stance does not match his ambition, because the dream is big and the dream has a rest, so that forms of compatibility with advanced artistic styles are called in order for the writer to release his text into a spectator world in which the events of the novel are embodied in a dramatic work or The lyrics of the poem are in a song or a musical theater, and this is what we witnessed in the novels of Naguib Mahfouz, Qassem Amin, Hanna Mina and others when their novels turned into dramas.
Thus came “Ajwan”, the novel that was written with the thought, imagination and creativity of the friend, the Emirati writer Noura Al-Noman, who took the lead in writing that no other writers and writers in the Emirates had preceded her, which is writing science fiction novels.
I said to my colleague who is sitting next to me as we watch the start of the work on the screen: How beautiful is the sentence: “The first Arab science fiction novel to turn into a dramatic work” in the propaganda poster. It is a matter of pride, and calls into question regarding the subject of the film and how science fiction novels can be a story of a human reality we live in with all its complexities, challenges and issues. It is a science fiction novel, but it is full of humanity, like the evening in which the first episode was released, which was filled with beautiful warmth as Noura Al-Noman was overcome with tears as she lived an exceptional success and thanks everyone who supported her in order to achieve this pioneering step, the first of which is her family.
Therefore, as we meet at the discussion table regarding the relationship of literature with artificial intelligence, during the days of the annual Sharjah Women Writers Forum in its seventh session, which was organized by the Cultural and Media Office of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs, it was necessary to stop at artificial intelligence making literary works that turn into drama, and contain its events. At the same time, this intelligence is becoming more and more present in our reality day by day.
Ajwan was an example of this.
And following..
The Arab leadership in this experience for Emirati women, and for Sharjah.. God willing, other pioneers in creativity will come in an innovative form in the coming generations, with the presence of the image of Noura Al Noman, author of the novel “Ajwan”, which turned into illustrated episodes broadcast by witness as a model for Emirati women with an inspiring pen for events the present and the future.