AirPods Pro 2 will soon work as a hearing aid. We know the release date of an important update –

Table of Contents

  • Up to five percent of adults suffer from hearing loss
  • AirPods Pro 2 headphones can help with this from next week
  • They will receive several functions that will improve the quality of life for the disabled

A fairly large percentage of the population has to deal with some form of handicap, whether it’s vision defects, limitations of the locomotor system, psychological difficulties or perhaps hearing problems. The technology company Apple is known for thinking about the disabled in its products and offering them a number of different gadgets that not only help them better control products with a bitten apple in the emblem, but also improve their quality of life. The new function of the AirPods Pro 2 headphones, which will be especially appreciated by those who are hard of hearing, is no exception.

AirPods Pro 2 will help people with hearing loss

Up to five percent of adults suffer from hearing loss, which may not seem like a lot, but these people have to deal with a number of difficulties in everyday life that healthy people wouldn’t even think of. The solution is various types of implants, however, they are often not only not very aesthetic, but primarily single-purpose and, in some cases, also quite expensive. Apple has now come up with at least a partial solution, which, together with the iOS 18.1 update, brought new functions for its AirPods Pro 2 headphones that will make life easier for the hard of hearing and people who are at risk of hearing loss.

The first new function is Hearing protection. This helps users protect their hearing in noisy environments while preserving the audio track of what they are currently listening to. For example, at concerts, the headphones use algorithms to recognize the sound of the band, which the listeners will keep, while filtering out some distracting elements in the background, so that the ears are not overwhelmed by unnecessary and overly noisy sensations. If you feel that the quality of your hearing is decreasing, you will be able to have your hearing tested directly with the AirPods Pro 2 through the Hearing test function. The function uses a standard clinical approach called pure tone audiometry.

A useful Hearing Health feature is coming to AirPods Pro 2 soon

If the headphones detect hearing loss, users will be able to immediately use the third function, which is Hearing Aid (Hearing Health in Czech). If the headphones have diagnosed you with mild to moderate hearing loss, it will allow you to reset them to a “medical quality” hearing aid – after activating the function, users can enjoy personalized dynamic adjustments, so that the surrounding sounds will be appropriately amplified. Of course, AirPods Pro 2 will not replace specialized medical devices, but they can help some people improve their quality of life.

Don’t overlook

Apple AirPods Pro with USB-C review: really just a new connector?

The new features will arrive as soon as next week (probably on Monday, October 28 after 19:00) with the AirPods Pro 2 firmware update and also with the new version of iOS 18.1. When Apple announced this feature, it said it would be available in more than 100 countries, but did not disclose the exact list. So let’s hope that users in the Czech Republic and Slovakia will also see it next week. Considering that Apple’s Hearing Health also communicates on the Czech and Slovak versions of its website, this is very likely.

AirPods Pro 2nd generation headphones with USB-C are currently sold on the Czech market for 6,289 CZK including VAT.

Author of the article

Dominik Vlasak

Editor, traveler, fan of technology, Star Wars and good coffee.

Apple Reinvents Hearing Protection: AirPods Pro 2 to the Rescue!

Well, isn’t this a delightful twist! Up to five percent of adults have some form of hearing loss. For those lucky five percent, life can feel like a never-ending episode of Deal or No Deal but without the banker’s soothing voice! Enter Apple, the technological equivalent of a superhero swooping in to save the day, but instead of a cape, they’re donning shiny AirPods Pro 2!

The Hearing Loss Hustle: What’s the Big Deal?

Now, let’s talk numbers. Five percent might sound like a sprinkling of people at a wedding – you know, the ones over at the bar complaining about the DJ’s terrible music selection. But those who suffer from hearing loss face everyday hurdles that, frankly, the rest of us couldn’t even imagine. It’s not just about missing out on a particularly juicy gossip; it’s about communication, safety, and tearing through the sky of everyday life with a voice that reads as ‘please speak up!’

So, what’s Apple’s answer to this? They’ve decided that the best way to help the hard of hearing is, of course, through an app on a device people already wear on their heads. Genius… or mad lad’s genius?

New Tech for a New Hearing Era

They’ve rolled out some impressive new features for the AirPods Pro 2 as if they’re trying to be the Swiss Army knife of audio tech. Starting off we have the Hearing Protection feature. Imagine you’re at a rock concert, right? Your ears are ringing louder than a kid on a sugar high. With this new feature, the AirPods utilize algorithms (yes, you heard it – algorithms!) that allow you to enjoy your favorite band without ending up in a post-concert “what did I just do to my ears?” panic. It’s the audio equivalent of having your cake and eating it too – if that cake was actually a calming audio experience.

And if things aren’t looking great in the hearing department, don’t worry, you can actually conduct your own hearing test using the Hearing Test function. It’s like pretending you’re a doctor without the years of training and the student debt! Results will have you either feeling like a winner or considering an ear trumpet for those more tragic results.

Hearing Aid 2.0: The ‘It’s Not Just a Toy’ Feature

If the tests reveal that you might be part of that unfortunate five percent, Apple has something even spicier: the Hearing Aid feature. That’s right; your chic earbuds will essentially make a decent attempt at being a hearing aid. Fair warning: No promises that they’ll magically turn you into a super-hearing eagle (those are sold separately). What they will do is provide some dynamic adjustments to surrounding sounds – so you can effectively hear your friends telling you about their cat’s latest adventure in exquisite detail (not mandatory, but enjoyable).

The Grand Global Rollout

And the cherry on top? These new features are making their grand entrance on October 28, coinciding brilliantly with the iOS 18.1 update. Poor old Siri probably feels a bit left out now. Apple’s making this available in over 100 countries, so let’s cross our fingers and hope that the Czech and Slovak users don’t miss the party! And hey, for just 6,289 CZK, you can snag a pair of these ear-wonders. That’s less than a fancy dinner for two… if you’re dining at an Italian place pretending it’s Sunday supper thyme!

Conclusion: Tech for Tomorrow, Today!

So there you have it! Apple is merging fashion with function, albeit in their own understated way. AirPods Pro 2 is not just chic tech; it’s aiding real lives in a world where hearing loss is a prevalent issue. Bravo, Apple! Now let’s pour a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy the sound of progress – one ear at a time!

Author: Dominik Vlasak – your cheeky tech enthusiast, part-time traveler, and full-time fan of a Star Wars binge session!

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