Air quality: the actions of ANSES | handles

2023-06-06 16:03:25

ANSES’s missions on air quality

Knowledge analysis and risk assessment in the context of collective expertise

ANSES set up in 2005 a committee of experts specialized in the assessment of risks related to air environments. It conducts multidisciplinary expertise on various themes related to air pollution: urban and rural air pollution, specific emission sources, health indicators and values ​​for health protection, health risks for workers related to their exposure. occupational and health risks for the general population in indoor environments. For nearly 20 years, the Agency has produced more than fifty expert reports on the health effects of ambient air particles or the health impact of pollens and moulds, for example. Since 2004, as part of a specific mission, the Agency has assessed around ten chemical substances to propose indoor air quality guide values ​​(VGAI).

Research on air quality issues

Since 2006, ANSES has funded 126 research projects on this issue within the framework of the National Environmental-Health-Occupational Research Program. They make it possible, in conjunction with the recommendations of expert appraisals, to improve or provide the scientific knowledge necessary to assess the health risks and identify levers for action to improve air quality or reduce exhibitions. This research focuses on the characterization of exposure to the various agents present in our ambient air, the study of potential mechanisms of toxicity, the effects of mixtures or making the link with pathologies.

Air quality studies

The acquisition of data to characterize the exposure of the population via the air is essential and enables the Agency to carry out its health risk assessment work.

Various organizations participate in air quality monitoring as part of phytopharmacovigilance, led by ANSES: the Indoor Air Quality Observatory (OQAI), the National Institute for the Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS), the Scientific and Technical Center for Building and the Approved Air Quality Monitoring Associations (AASQA).

This system also has a budget to finance specific studies and generate missing knowledge, for example when a new signal is detected.

The national exploratory campaign of pesticides (CNEP) in the outdoor air from June 2018 to June 2019. It made it possible to obtain a photograph of the substances present in the ambient air and their concentration levels in France. The second national campaign of housing (CNL2) for the analysis of pesticides in indoor air and dust, as part of its OQAI missions (Observatory for indoor air quality). The PestiRiv study launched since October 2021, aiming to better understand the exposure to pesticides of people living near vineyards or far from any cultivation.

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