Air conditioning is a threat to the spread of Corona, how does it spread the virus? Find out in this report

Air conditioning is a threat to the spread of Corona, how does it spread the virus? Find out in this report

A Chinese study published in the American journal Center for Disease Control and Research has indicated that in a closed place where there is no air, the transmission of the virus from a potentially infected patient to other people through vapors. The risk increases.

In this case, while air conditioning is being shown as a risk for the spread of the corona virus, should we stop the air conditioning? Can corona virus spread through air conditioning?

A Chinese study published in the American journal Center for Disease Control and Research said that 9 out of 10 people from 3 families who ate at a restaurant in Guangzhou, China in the month of February contracted the corona virus. Through air conditioning. The vapors of the corona virus were transmitted from an infected person to others in the family returning after traveling from Wuhan.

In the research, it was directed to improve the air flow in the restaurants, to increase the distance between the tables. Here the question arises, should air conditioning be banned in gyms, stores and restaurants? Experts say that fresh air in commercial buildings. should be used for ventilation. The American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning opposes the proposal to turn off ACs in the summer.

They say that the heat created in such a situation puts people at risk of thermal stress, which will affect their ability to fight the virus. European engineers, on the other hand, have suggested throwing fresh air for ventilation through AC.

Research by the University of Oregon and California in the US has suggested opening windows or using an AC that blows fresh air into the room instead of recirculating used air.

According to the American news agency Business Insider, some buildings in New York have been instructed to immediately stop air conditioning, including gyms, pools, and conference centers. The risk is extremely low. The best strategy in such places is to keep your distance. In places where you don’t have an AC outlet, assume that the person closest to you is sick, keep your distance, says Anna Rolle, a professor at Johns Hopkins University. Wash your hands, do not touch your face.

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2024-08-24 09:59:08



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