Air Conditioning in Canadian Homes: Statistics, Regional Variations, and Future Implications

2023-07-09 11:48:17

July 3 was declared the hottest day in the world, according to climate specialists, by the media Global News.

On such hot days, air conditioning can sometimes become your best friend. Thus, 64% of Canadian households have air conditioning, a figure that varies from one region to another.


In Newfoundland and Labrador, 19% of citizens have air conditioning, the lowest figure among any region, according to Statistics Canada sources.

On the other hand, Manitoba is at the top of the ranking with 90%-person having access to air conditioning.

In total, 64% of Canadian households have air conditioning, figures that do not surprise Dr. Melissa Lem, president of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.

This one entrusted to Global News which has a link between the local climatic conditions of the last years. However, these figures would not be sufficient for the future with global warming, she added.

#Canadian #households #air #conditioning



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