Air Conditioning 2 A spoonful of familiarity and newness… Synthesis of chemistry UP with Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu

Held a production report for ‘Cooperation 2’ on the 16th
Hyun Bin, Yu Hae-jin, Lim Yoon-ah, stronger ‘chemistry’
Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu join ‘expectation’
“Upgraded triangular air conditioning, I hope it will be a fun and enjoyable movie”

The movie ‘Cooperation 2: International’ was confident in the bursting ‘chemistry’ created by the actors’ union that they trust and watch.

The production report of ‘Cooperation 2: International’ (Director Seok-Hoon Lee, hereinafter ‘Cooperation 2’) was held at the Conrad Seoul Hotel in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 16th. Director Lee Seok-hoon, along with actors Hyun Bin, Hae Hae-jin, Im Yoon-ah, and Jin Seon-kyu attended the scene.

‘Cooperation 2’ is a North Korean detective Rim Cheol-ryeong (Hyun Bin) who meets again to catch a global criminal organization, a South Korean detective Kang Jin-tae (Yoo Hae-jin), and a New Face foreign FBI Jack (Daniel Henney). It is a film about the unpredictable triangular cooperation investigation.

Following director Kim Seong-hoon of ‘Cooperation’, ‘Cooperation 2’ was directed by director Lee Seong-hoon, who showed ‘Pirates: Historic Sites to the Sea’ and ‘The Himalayas’. Director Lee said, “After the trailer was released, there were a lot of responses that it was good that the actors from the first part appeared again. I think the biggest factor that can be a series is that there is a loved character. I think that was the biggest driving force for a sequel to be made,” he said.

'Cooperation 2', a spoonful of newness in familiarity...  chemistry UP with Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu [종합]

'Cooperation 2', a spoonful of newness in familiarity...  chemistry UP with Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu [종합]

'Cooperation 2', a spoonful of newness in familiarity...  chemistry UP with Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu [종합]

In addition to the existing members Hyun Bin, Hae Hae Jin, and Lim Yoona, ‘Cooperation 2’ will also be joined by Daniel Henney and Jin Seonkyu, raising expectations for their fresh combination. Daniel Henney, who plays the role of Jack, an overseas detective belonging to the FBI, is expected to double the dramatic fun with a new triangular coordinated investigation, and Jin Seon-kyu, who plays the role of Jang Myung-joon, the leader of a global criminal organization, is expected to infuse tension with his intense villain performance.

Director Lee said, “Isn’t there a jinx that the sequel isn’t as good as the previous one? When I think about the reason for that, I thought it was because I was too leaning on the success of the previous work to repeat and consume the character. “I was trying to add it,” he said.

It was explained that the aspect of each character and the relationship between the characters is an important piece of work. Therefore, the worries of the actors who appeared in the first part were even greater. Hyun Bin said, “Since a sequel is coming out, I thought I could play the same character, but as I was preparing, the comedy part, directing, story, etc. were all upgraded. confessed

He continued, “It was difficult to decide which part to build up on. I slowly read the script, looked back at it one by one, and came to my own conclusion,” he said. In the first episode, there were a lot of dark sides that came from revenge for losing my wife, but this time I felt that I had to add a more relaxed and bright part. I paid a lot of attention to that point.” In response, Yoo Hae-jin said, “I definitely felt that kind of relaxedness a lot next to me.”

Kang Jin-tae’s sister-in-law and unemployed Min-yeong (Lim Yoon-ah) turns into a beauty YouTuber this time. He, who showed a colorful chemistry with Yoo Hae-jin and Hyun Bin in the first episode, is also planning to form a new relationship with Daniel Henney, a new member this time. Lim Yoon-a said, “I got a job. In the first episode, I was the unemployed sister-in-law who was always bullied, but becoming a beauty YouTuber seems to be the biggest change. There’s a lot,” he laughed.

He added, “Gongjo was also his film debut, and he looked at the character of Min-young as attractive, so I focused on expressing that charm well this time as well.”

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'Cooperation 2', a spoonful of newness in familiarity...  chemistry UP with Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu [종합]

The actors who reunited after about five years were more confident of their perfect chemistry than anyone else. Hyun Bin expressed satisfaction, saying, “I thought it would be good if the actors I’ve worked with since the story of ‘Cooperation 2’ came out. It’s comfortable to meet them on set, and the synergy seems to double.”

Yoo Hae-jin also said, “Although the result of ‘Cooperation’ was good, there was a thrill to see it again because it was good (atmosphere) on the set.” could,” he said.

Director Lee said, “We started filming in February and we filmed the indoor scene first. It was filmed at the beginning of Jintae’s family, Jintae, and Cheolryeong gathering together at Jintae’s house. Without the first part, it would seem like we were filming that scene too early, and it would have been burdensome. From the first time I saw it on the set, it seemed as if everyone had been waiting for it, and came ready and had fun filming. From then on, I was energized and filmed so easily that I thought maybe I was going on a free ride.”

Hyun Bin and Daniel Henney reunited for the first time in 17 years after the drama ‘My Name is Sam-soon Kim’. Daniel Henney, who was unable to attend the scene due to an overseas schedule that day, was with him for a while through a real-time video connection. When asked when he was the happiest while filming, he said, “There is a nightclub scene in the movie, and after filming, Hyunbin and I had a beer at the hotel and talked a lot about the old days. Personally, it was very good.”

'Cooperation 2', a spoonful of newness in familiarity...  chemistry UP with Daniel Henney and Jin Seon-gyu [종합]

As a new element of ‘Cooperation 2’, the role of Jin Seon-gyu, the villain who joined this time, cannot be left out. Jin Seon-gyu said, “I had an image of a villain in ‘Crime City’, so I thought a lot about how to act as a villain after 5 years. I thought that the distribution of power with the three should be equal. I told the director that I wanted to grow my beard as well as my hair style, but he accepted that a lot.”

Previously, ‘Cooperation’ mobilized 7.81 million viewers in 2017 and gained great popularity. Attention is focused on whether ‘Cooperation 2’, which is aimed at theaters on Chuseok, will also achieve good results.

Director Lee said, “You will have the most fun in the relationship between the characters. It’s upgraded from before, and there’s a sense of tension, fun, competition, and friendship that come from that.” I became a 15-year-old viewer. It’s not cruel or violent, it’s fun. I hope it will be a fun and enjoyable movie that I can watch with my family this Chuseok holiday.”

‘Cooperation 2’ will be released on September 7th.

Kim Soo-young, reporter at

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