Aipki Regrets Termination of Undip Anesthesia Education Program

Faculty of Medicine Building, Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang. (MI/Akhmad Safuan)

THE ASSOCIATION OF INDONESIAN MEDICAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (AIPKI) deeply regrets the implementation of punishment or action before the investigation process is complete, because it has the potential to harm the individuals suspected of being involved and the entire academic community and the wider community.

“The termination of the Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital by the Ministry of Health before the final decision from the investigation, because this has a negative impact on students and public health services,” said AIPKI Chairman Prof. Budi Santoso in a press release received by Media Indonesia, Monday (2/9).

Therefore, AIPKI appeals to all parties to respect the ongoing investigation process and avoid premature judgment. AIPKI supports the education and service process to continue normally during the investigation period.

AIPKI as an organization engaged in the field of medical education in Indonesia, does not tolerate bullying in any form in the medical education environment, whether at the Bachelor of Medicine (S1) level, the Doctoral Professional Program, or the Specialist Doctor Education Program 1 and 2 (PPDS).

To this end, AIPKI is committed to creating a safe educational environment, supporting academic development, and upholding professionalism.

Also read: Allegations of Bullying and Working Outside the Dosage of PPDS Doctors Undip Semarang Revealed

The termination of the Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) of the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital by the Ministry of Health before a final decision from the investigation is considered to have a negative impact on students and public health services.

AIPKI also deeply regrets the termination of the clinical activities of Dr. dr. Yan Wisnu Prajoko, M.Kes., Sp.B., Subsp.Onk(K) at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital which was carried out before the investigation was completed. AIPKI hopes that actions like this do not become a precedent that damages the academic climate and professionalism in the medical education environment.

AIPKI hopes that this statement of position can be a concern for all related parties. “We also hope that all parties can learn from this incident and work together towards improving the medical education system in Indonesia, so that it can create a fair, professional environment and support the development of human resources in the health sector,” said Prof. Budi Santoso (N-2)

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