Aidshilfe Salzburg: Tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia

Sexually transmitted infections – testing options in Salzburg

Die Aidshilfe Salzburg offers various tests for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia anonymously and without an appointment.

Movie: “Hepatitis A – An Overview”

When can I take a test?
The tests take place every Monday and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The following tests are possible in the Salzburg Aidshilfe: HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, syphilis and self-swabs for gonococci/chlamydia.

Tests for gonococci and chlamydia:

You can also take these tests from Monday to Friday (from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) without an appointment at the Aidshilfe. This saves you waiting times, because Monday and Thursday evenings are usually very busy.

Please note that you should not urinate for an hour before taking the urine test!

Please note that you do not chew gum or brush your teeth in the hour before the swab.

You have to pay a cost price for these tests:
HAV-AK IgM determination (hepatitis A test): 7.00
HBsAG determination (hepatitis B test): 7,-
HCV antibody test (hepatitis C test): 7,-
HBsAG and HCV antibody test together: 12,-
PCR test for EUR 70
HIV quick test (result following 20 minutes) for 30,-
HIV syphilis quick test for 35,-
Swab test (self-test) for gonococci (gonorrhea) and chlamydia for 35 euros

Contact details:

Aidshilfe Salzburg
Innsbruck federal highway 47
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43-662-881488
Email: [email protected]

Author: Florian Friedrich
Psychotherapist in Salzburg / Hamburg
(existential analysis)

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