AI: the French Ekimetrics launches a “chatGPT” dedicated to the climate

Posted Apr 7, 2023, 5:53 PMUpdated on Apr 7, 2023, 7:23 PM

Clean and ergonomic, this web page seems quite ordinary. But on closer inspection, it houses a most useful online tool: a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to “answer” questions relating to the climate in a reliable and educational way.

Accessible to the general public for a week in beta version, this online application called “Climate Q & A”, was created by the teams of Ekimetrics, a French company specializing in artificial intelligence and data management.

A “climate chatbot” linked to ChatGPT

“The chatbot is connected to ChatGPT which formats the answers to the questions in an intelligible way. This is the strength of this AI. We, as data-scientists, manage all the data part. As we are talking about climate, the primary objective was that users receive reliable answers,” explains Théo Alves Da Costa, responsible for the sustainable development and climate unit at Ekimetrics.

To achieve this, the chatbot will only draw on the ten most relevant extracts from around twenty scientific reports. Among them is the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Energy Agency, IPBES dubbed the “IPCC of biodiversity”.

“Are humans responsible for climate change? What are the main principles of the Paris Agreement? Is climate change irreversible? », as on the ChatGPT interface, users are free to ask any questions about the climate, and the Ekimetrics AI provides constructed answers, with the precise page of the scientific document used.

Tested by one of the IPCC co-presidents

This tool, which to date is unprecedented in the world of generative artificial intelligence, has been undergoing tests for three months in order to “

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