AI that innovates the manufacturing industry will be confirmed at the COEX forum on the 27th.

AI that innovates the manufacturing industry will be confirmed at the COEX forum on the 27th.

2024-03-14 08:35:06

The first track on Day 1 on the 27th covers industrial AI, including generative AI and manufacturing AI.

The ‘AI Autonomous Manufacturing Innovation Forum (hereinfollowing referred to as the Forum)’, which will showcase trends in new technologies applied to the manufacturing field, will be held in the conference room on the 3rd floor of COEX, Seoul for a total of 3 days from March 27th to 29th.

The forum focuses on autonomous manufacturing, which is considered the future of manufacturing. It deals with a production environment that minimizes human intervention by utilizing AI-based robots and manufacturing facilities throughout the entire manufacturing process, and suggests solutions to problems such as labor shortage due to aging, global supply chain crisis, and decarbonization as well as innovation in production efficiency.

The three-day forum will cover everything from the industrial AI (generative AI, manufacturing AI) track to intelligent robotics (collaborative robots, manufacturing robots), digital quality (machine vision + sensors + predictive maintenance + 3D printing), and manufacturing innovation technology (SaaS/ Cloud+5G+Edge Computing+AR/VR+Digital Twin), Digital ESG Conference, and Large and Small Coexistence Forum for Intelligent Manufacturing will be held in detailed tracks.

The first track on Day 1 on the 27th covers industrial AI, encompassing generative AI and manufacturing AI. AI in the manufacturing industry is developing around machine learning and computer vision, contributing to improving production efficiency and product quality. Machine learning is used for prediction and optimization through data analysis, and computer vision revolutionizes product inspection and quality control.

For example, AI reduces defect rates by automating defect identification and quality inspection, and uses resources efficiently through demand forecasting and inventory management. In addition, AI combined with robots automates dangerous tasks, ensures worker safety, and designs and produces products tailored to customer needs. In this way, AI technology is becoming an important factor in changing the manufacturing industry and strengthening competitiveness.

Manufacturing AI experts will participate in the forum to present technology trends and application cases. In the morning, ChatGPT Korea CEO Lim Seong-gi’s ‘Leap of Generative AI Technology Applied in the Field’, Superb AI CEO Kim Hyun-soo’s ‘Generative AI Technology for Smart Factory’, and Microsoft Korea Manager Baek In-song’s ‘AI and Work Productivity’. A presentation on the theme of ‘Wave of Innovation’ follows. In the followingnoon, RTM, SD Flex, InterX, Sweet Technologies, and ANSYS Korea will participate and introduce AI solutions applied to the manufacturing area.

Meanwhile, the AI ​​Autonomous Manufacturing Innovation Forum will be held together with Asia’s largest industrial automation exhibition, ‘Smart Factory + Automation World 2024 (AW 2024)’, which will be held for three days from March 27th to 29th. This AW 2024 will be held with approximately 500 companies and 2,000 booths, and approximately 70,000 visitors are expected to visit. During the exhibition period, events such as overseas buyer consultation sessions will also be held.

Hello Tea reporter Seo Jae-chang |

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