AI chatbot trial in Instagram

Meta is working on artificial intelligence (AI) technology based features in Instagram.

Another new feature based on this technology is becoming a part of this photo sharing app which will be helpful for users with more followers.

According to a foreign media report, Instagram is testing a chatbot called Crater AI. This chatbot will automate direct communication with followers for creators active on this social media platform.

According to the report, this chatbot will be able to be trained by users with their data and through it will be able to stay in touch with their followers in direct messages.

In fact, these chatbots will display behavior similar to the user’s personality while interacting with followers.

The report added that the chatbot will also help creators stay in touch with followers in the comment section of their posts.

The purpose of creating this chatbot is to prevent a common problem faced by creators who often find it difficult to respond to messages from their followers.

An earlier report suggested that AI technology from Meta is being made a part of Instagram’s search function directly.

This new feature is available to limited users. When these users click on Instagram’s search bar, they see the Chat with AI option.

With this option users can ask their questions or give written instructions.

But at the same time, AI technology will be used by Meta to search for new content on Instagram.

#chatbot #trial #Instagram
2024-04-19 16:08:45

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